What about a life with honesty and integrity? What about a life where we esteem You in your rightful place? What about a life where we cared less what others thought, and walked on ice but with confidence for you? What about a life of creativity and uniquness? What about a life where we asked the questions we were too afraid to ask? What about a life where we recognised each moment for what it was? What about a life where we would take those moments and make something of them? What about a life where we really knew and understood those we spend everyday with? What about a life where we acknowledged our failings our weaknesses and had the courage to change? What about a life where honor was more important then seeing that a person was either three steps back or three forward on the path of growth? What about a life where communication with you was more important than sharing who we are with another? What about a life where we would give our inconsistencies to you, a life where we could be ourselves? What about a life where love was predominant – Godly love? What about a life where we would set aside to be still and know God? What about a life where busyness could be pushed aside and the more important things take precedence? What about a life where we would recognise who you are? What about a life where we understood who we are from your perspective? What about a life where we could realise our dreams? What about a life that was not mediocre nor dry?
“Meaningless! Meaningless! says the Teacher. Everything is meaningless.” – Ecc 12:8
“Now all has been heard; here is the conclusion of the matter; Fear God and keep his commandments, for this is the whole duty of man” – Ecc 12:13
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