
how to describe.

or rather I don’t know if I want to, I’ve desensitised or tried to, or those well established emotional boundries kicked in, in full force.

church meeting.

needed to be done. uncomfortable, emotional people, a stand up and leave in protest after a speil (at the end) with a minority following, a time where I was standing in the line and swearing repeditively in my head b/c my mind had nothing else to do… that and talk to God. last looks at faces. I didn’t really properly say goodbye to anyone.

sitting next to Janice at the back away from sisters/mum (glad). eating skittles we grabbed on the way in. frustrated at how the thing went round in circles. glad I couldnt see faces when resignations were being read out.

“only way things can go are up”… church is not a building. wherever we end up God can use us. better than sitting around passively.

anyway. numb. hurt. annoyed. glad its over. hard to say goodbye. all that. more. haven’t had time to process properly I guess. dont’ want to right now.

Romans 8:28-39
Heb 12:2-3
Heb 12:14
2 Tim 2:23-26
Eph 4:14-21

aside from not crying all night. reading those did. thank you.

Church General

slept til 11:50am. I never do that.

Jess W was coming to pick me up at 11:45am (yes thats right). Told me the night before to be sure to be ready as I don’t want to have to come inside and get you. Thankfully she was late. Got here about 11:55 instead. In a good mood 😛 so she gave me a fraction longer.

Fall out of bed. find clothes somehow, find shoes, find water, fed the dog, grabbed an apple to eat in the car (for breakfast), money, phone, assignment to hand in. left.

Got talking on the way to Tabor and so missed the turn off on to Oban Rd (erm. yes we do go the same way every time) had to go the long way round. Handed in essays with half an hour to spare. I went looking for Rowan to get my USB stick back, but their offices were all locked up, will just have to wait for camp.

Drove to Eastland (that would be the shopping centre) to meet Alecia infront of Macca’s for lunch (infront, not at). Subway for me, some a little sorry looking pasta for Jess and Alecia (when she came).

Jess and I then went Camera shopping. Teds Camera House first (which I told Jess was overpriced) weren’t there long. Then to Kirks. Nice shop. Jess got asked what she was looking for, “a camera” (A and I gave her lots for that seeing the whole shop was devoted to them). I managed to talk Jess out of giving into the sales lady’s advice and to wait and look round a bit more. Saw the camera I found last night for $649 the rrp listed on the Nikon site. Too much.

Then dropped Alecia back at her car and we drove back to Croydon. Second shop, much bigger range. Jess found something better, cheaper and I made her ask/get a deal for everything else thrown in. There’s some of the dutch coming out.
Managed to find one myself.
Same camera as before. Nikon Coolpix 4800 was after at least 4mp. and more zoom. Surprisingly $100 cheaper. Ho hummed for a bit, got sales person to chuck a card in with it, cost a bit extra but not too much. Decided I might as well.

So 🙂 I have a camera. finally!

mucking around and took this of the flowers we had for hannah:

Went to Annie Get Your Gun tonight at school. Good way to spend an evening. Typical school production with varying levels of singing/acting ability. Overall pretty good. Hannah was great! Don’t know where those genes came from. Her only obvious blunder when she snaped her gun in half… and everyone laughing so hard she found hard to hear the music – but kept singing. She didn’t have trouble with lines, although a few did. Had seats in the middle but way up the back as Han forgot to book early. I was fortunate enough to have a little kid in front of me 😛

Hannah (aka Annie Oakley)

Fun evening, even though I did have an ‘oversleep’ headache.

caught up with Jaclyn (cousin) very good to see her again 🙂 Miss not seeing her now I’m not at school.

em, jaclyn, laura

And that is the end of the saga of my day. Thank you for listening if you got this far, if you didn’t I don’t blame you.


General Life Photography