Emily’s birthday. Seventeen. Doesn’t seem all that long ago I was that age… well it does, a lot has happened, a lot has changed. Nineteen is the better age.
Monica had her baby today. A boy. Michael James I presume. I’m curious to look back and see how much input I had into that name as I had several ‘make up combinations/suggestion’ for names sessions. Good choice anyway, regardless.
A little strange to have reached this point. Jonny asked me about it yesterday – “Is it sort of an ending?”
No. Mon will carry the weight of this for a long time yet, if not her whole life. A single mum. I admire her courage and strength and her continual looking to God. She’s younger than me – it’s a far greater burden than anyone should ever carry or struggle under, I don’t know if I would have coped as well.
Whatever part I play, I assume God hasn’t finished with me here on this. A strange friendship status, distance and that, but something I wouldn’t want to sever.
We went to Vineyard (church) this morning. God I’ve waited so long to walk into somehwere – to have a Sunday without criticising everything.
I would genuinely like to make it my ‘home church’.
Informal, (half) cafe style, still singing, doctrinely sound (in what I heard, and in what I’ve been told by friends who’ve been there longer). It bought none of the frustration that has come with the other churches I’ve been to recently. Is this what you want for me?
A beautiful day! Afternoon tea for Em’s at Chateau Yering.
I love Australia like this.
Ps 119:165 (been running in my head all day)
Great peace have they who love your law, and nothing can make them stumble.