Picture time

It’s been quite a while since I’ve put any photos up and I’ve just about given up on throughfive (photoblog as it’s too fiddly using blogger for such things).

Anyway if you can either remember me mentioning various doings or reread some old posts then some of the following photos can roughly illustrate them. Alternatively if you didn’t read or refuse to go back – well a photo tells a thousands words does it not?

Jacqui’s 20th at the Moobar. One of those rare places in a hole of a town that you suddenly discover in it’s total antithesis of bogan’ness.
LtoR: Jacqui, Laura, Melissa, Aydan, Chris, Jasmin, Jess D, Jess W, Natalie, Me, Analise.
Did Yr.12… well Yr.10-12 with this lot and catch up with a few of them frequently and the rest of them occasionally.
Thanks to Sam for taking the photo.

Another thanks to Sam: Jess W, Nat and I.

And in honor of Ana moving up to Wodonga (for uni) the rat bag. I made her sit still while I got a photo. Shall miss running in to her any given Sunday but she’ll be back down for holidays and I got her well and truly hooked on gush before she left (esilana) so contact shall be maintained 😛

Some of the YITS’ers up on top of the tower at Mt. Donabuang. Sam, Emma, Tom and Rowan.

And if this gives any indication of how high it is up there… I’m fairly sure it was Dave running around below.

“That’ll do pig.”


  1. said:

    I’m about 95% sure that we have the same photo as that (last one, from top of the tower on Donna Buang), but with me sitting at the bottom and it all COVERED WITH SNOW. How cool. (I thought it was)

    February 20, 2006
  2. said:

    good photos those ones at the top :P…

    February 20, 2006
  3. Dave said:

    Yup…me running to the loo (to avoid going up to the top without looking like a weenie!!) Yup…i’m a wimp

    February 21, 2006
  4. said:

    oh really!

    come on Dave it wasn’t that bad.

    I don’t like heights of rope courses and stuff. but its stairs and rails. The view was so utterly worth it!

    When I came down you were climbing the thing without stairs… how to work that out.

    February 22, 2006

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