Call this anything you like, but procrastion is probably what fits best.
Yesterday afternoon found me with Mum at Chateau Yerring. We had afternoon tea and then she was superbly nice and followed me round listing whatever I yelled out to her… I was taking photos for my, “The Formal Vision” assignment. Beautiful out there and if the photos work I shall be pretty pleased. Of course today when I go to drop off the film, the camera house is closed. What a waste to come the long way home for nothing.
Jess’s party was small but rather good. A police car was extremely annoying and followed me all the way to her place.
Got to catch up with Jo, Alecia and Elyce as well as a few of the others I see normally. Katie (if you read this) your invite to your party via email never made it to me, I don’t think you are being a cow because you are too nice and I have ‘other’ emails missing :S Jo let me know where it was, but I can’t make it
I am a bit cranky about all this very not impressed at gmail or kastanet or whatever! Happy Birthday anyway.
So we sat around and cooked dinner in these small pan things – not sure what you call them. Watched the new Pride and Prejudice (which I still REALLY like even though the old one has it’s firm place) Elizabeth Bennet is the worlds greatest character aside from equalling Jo March. If you are watching the dvd – which you should as videos SHOULD NOT AND SHOULD HAVE NEVER EXISTED, you can try the alterante ending. I suggest quite strongly that you don’t as it is *gag* material and thoroughly ruins it.
The others chose to watch Crash after that – oh did I mention the extremely fine raspberries I ate for dessert? So I half dozed half watched. At about 1:30am (Jess had gone to bed, as had Isobelle). Sam turns on the light to attempt to find this stick insect that was crawling across the screen, “In order that someone wont swallow it in their sleep”, instead Laura spots this fantastic specimen of a spider up on the wall. So hushed shreiks and ‘arghs’ ensue. I think I was the least worried and was quite prepared to stay where I was half asleep. It was too high to kill. There was great discussion about ‘not sleeping in that room’ and where should we go? And to quote Laura, “I might just be paranoid, but is that another one?”. More squealling of a kind. It was pale and even bigger. Downright refusal to stay there was made by everyone except me, and they started clearing the back room entirely of junk in order to fit all the beds.
We made the jigsaw work evenutally, with Laura in Jess’s room (who was fast asleep and knew nothing). I was lying in bed for about ten minutes when I thought of something and nearly gave myself away before I’d had a chance by laughing – great things coughs are. Another half minute or so and I had estimated where Sam’s arm was. I reached over and touched her ever so lightly. The reaction was entirely worth the risk. She gave this massive gasp and I cracked up laughing, which when she realised had her laughing a little traumatically and Alecia and Jo laughing.
Watched some Arrested Development (oh, yeah did I mention that Jess LOVES movies and such obsessively?) over breakfast. Then when I went out to the car, I made the beautiful discovery that someone had egged my (well Mum and Dad’s) car . Took a while to clean the stinking mess off the windscreen – it was not a pleasant drive home.
And I really should stop putting off writing that assignment…