Entirely disgraceful that I’m on here posting again, that’s three tonight. I got off msn after a couple of interesting conversations and looked at my newly made bed that’s had the electric blanket on and wanted ‘in’. I’m not quite ready for sleep yet though so, thanks to wireless things are rather nice. Bed is where I am.
Today demanded a mention anyway simply because it was so good. Church this morning wasn’t too bad. I either zoned out at the start of Petes sermon or there simply wasn’t the kind of intro that lets you know where things are going so I got a tad lost. He had some good stuff to say on God’s word, I just wasnt’ sure where it was going. I got reading some stuff in Mark near the end of the sermon – it was on a passage in Mark and decided I’d stay reading and did so through one of the last songs, where by Jess gave me a puzzled ‘what are you doing sitting down?’ look to which I just gave her a, ‘I’m reading something isn’t that obvious?’ one back. Sometime I ‘connect’ with God better through reading something than through singing something. Not to say God doesn’t use music with me, because he does to a rather large extent, but not today it seems. I confess church music has all been rather flat at the moment. My brain is too critically hardwired and it’s quite annoying.
Someone decided that the youth/young adults would all go mini-golfing. We met for lunch at Chrinside in the food court. I was sitting between Jess and Dan, leaning forward talking with Tim and Geoff across the table and Jess started rubbing the top of my back (like massage but hardly hard enough) anyway the story I got from her later was that she motioned to Dan and they both started, or Jess’s hand came off but she kept her arm there to keep ‘the look’. I was just turning around to Jess and say, “Woah you’re doing it without me asking, can you go harder please!” when I realised it wasn’t her and of course everyone laughed – end of story. Evil girl.
So mini-golfing was great! Jess, I and Geoff played one score card with Dan, Jerome and Sam behind us. Other lots of young adults/youth were around about. We were foolish enough to pick the outside course, and it having recently rained – half the holes were entirely submerged in water which made for interesting putting. I truly did suck at my first few, my excuse is that I haven’t done anything of the sort for about 10 years now, but I think I really just can’t. I did however fluke a hole in one and got ‘better’ when I could be bothered. I still lost – but only 2 points behind Jess and about 5 behind Geoff, the others didn’t score properly. It was fantastic though! Haven’t done something random like that (which isn’t a movie) in ages. So much better than bowling.
Before we left Jess was asking if anyone wanted to come to bigchurchuptheroad for the ‘search for intimacy’ (gave it away if you can be bothered googling it) short session/promo thing. Multiple ‘no’s’ mostly in favor of not being fans of the church, a particular comment I was rather impressed with being (paraphrasing here), “Last time I went I couldn’t stop criticising them, and I don’t want to do that as part of the church.” Hit home, a) because my brain does go mental at that church (most churches in bits actually) b) it was just um, wise.
I was meant to bring Hannah home from mini-golf, but no one told me and it didn’t cross my mind. Mum got really cranky at me for ‘forgetting her’ (not that I knew) I pled ignorance and someone dropped her home anyway.
I went with Jess, having been earlier persuaded. It was a bit more of a promo night than I expected and before the ‘sermon’ started there was some things said which had me just about spewing or ‘having kittens’ (if you prefer that phrase) Jess was threatening to slap me. As a church it does a huge amount of good, just a different feel/slant to things and can get a bit hypey.
Allan Meyer was however really good and there was some definite meat in the general, “This is what the series is about” thing. I would like to do The Search for Intimacy as it’s meant to be fantastic, and from what I heard tonight it’d be really good.
I think it is truly amazing how sexuality and intimacy I guess is a manifestation of God’s character and so entirely woven in the Trinity. It’s so utterly profound how it’s used as so many metaphors for explaining spiritual relationships.
Sometimes I think thats part of why marriage is so important, that it can show us something we as singles (if you happen to be single) don’t really get. Oh sure we can understand love and try to understand God’s love, but things like a ‘jealous God’. It would make so much more sense in the context of marriage where the understanding is more complete.
I was going to say more, but I think my head’s wound down for the night.
You might remember a while back that I was trying to make sense of some song lyrics. Sister, Mother by Sixpence and went even so far to email Leigh Nash – which I don’t think she ever got. Tonight I think the penny has dropped. This song, how can I put it? Is like almost every other. About relationships, but this time its about being careful.
while golf is a brilliant sport, i do believe mini-golf is a rather poor preferacne over bowing… cant believe you threw that in, you sneaky little gilr rebecca… we’re on to you