Well, Geoff managed to unearth a personality thing I hadn’t done. I did mine in a bit of a rush but it seems that I am a:

Respectful Inventor

So click away read what I got then go take the test yourself.

I don’t agree with this line at all:
“It is more interesting for you to pursue excitement than it is to get caught up in a routine.”

but I shall take it again another time and see if I come up with anything different.

It looks like tests like these tend to associate the emotional stuff with feminity so I think it’d be best for you not to comment on the masculinity rating that I got. Haha.

I think maybe I should listen to this: “While you know how much can be learned from observing your world, remember that much of life can be lived by experiencing it, not just understanding it.”


With some delight I counted out 7 days of anti-caffiene on my fingers and realised today was day 8.

I reach up into the shelf where we keep such wonders and realise with some despair that there is no tea. Green tea and other herbal teas do not count. The box is gone, finished. I see the humor in the situation – the fact that we’ve run out of bread and are down to the last centimetre of milk doesn’t inspire my confidence in the stocking of the basics in this house.

I think about going to where we keep some camping supplies to find an old one but instead I take my chances sifting through the box of random ‘teas’ (the kind that don’t merrit drinking). There is one very boring, very normal, very wonderful bag or two left.

Cheers all round.
That was a nice cup of tea.
