
Hey Hey, which super hero are you?
I’ve never even seen spiderman….
(It’s the man bit on the end that worries me)

You are Spider-Man
You are intelligent, witty,
a bit geeky and have great
power and responsibility.

Spider-Man 70%
Superman 70%
Supergirl 68%
Green Lantern 65%
Wonder Woman 63%
Hulk 55%
Robin 45%
Iron Man 45%
The Flash 45%
Catwoman 35%
Batman 35%

Click here to take the Superhero Personality Quiz


  1. said:

    I got spiderman too – I wouldn’t get too worried about the man bit – you wouldn’t want to be any of the girls on that list anyway.

    May 28, 2006
  2. Sam, couldnt be bothered signing in. said:

    ha ha…

    another masculine thing bec *laughs*

    May 29, 2006
  3. Anonymous said:

    Spiderman eh… well can’t really say i envy you… he is a little bit of a pansy-which is clearly why you got awarded that character. i however got ‘The Flash’, whom i am uncertain of, he came with an equal value of ‘Iron Man’… not that i know who he is either but apparently i am, “Fast, Athletic and Flirtatious”… look out ladies, her comes the Flash!!!

    May 29, 2006

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