It’s fair to say it’s been a really good day.

I managed to catch up with both Dave and Paul. Dave over ‘beanie shopping’ and Starbucks and Paul for late lunch. But hey, some good conversation can happen even in the middle of a food court.

God has put some marvellous friends in my life.

I guess I’ve really passed the point of my ‘early driving career’ where I can be all gushy about driving – but I really do love the alone time it gives. Driving back from Eastland this afternoon I had good music up loud, the clear and beautiful view of the Dandenongs and the opportunity to enjoy God and enjoy life in that moment (in a funny kind of way).

Life’s not exactly all roses, but God has been startlingly clear in his goodness lately.

General Life

It’s been a day run on very little sleep. I got a grand total of 4.5hrs last night. Due to a couple of things – something I was thinking extensively about and praying about and the rsi in my right wrist/shoulder flaring up. The latter was the most to blame when the time got to the ridiculous, I was well over running through a million and one options in my head. At 3:30 or so I got out of bed and sat in my beanbag and read my way through 1 Corinthians. Why the heck I picked that, besides something in me saying ‘read chapter 2‘, I’m not sure. Chapter 2 really didn’t get me anywhere too far. It did overall bring a certain kind of – stillness to everything and I managed to sleep pretty well straight after.

Earlier in the evening after I got offline and a while – I began walking myself back through a few old journal entries. I wanted to check out where I was this time last year. It was just a little bit annoying to have not actually written anything on July 2nd 2005 but I read the days around the date.

June last year was a significantly difficult time for me in terms of where I was with God. It was the ‘dreaded midyear holiday’ period and I believe there occured what I experienced as a shocking family holiday, a big lot of doubting and some pretty large issues around trying to be positive. By the very start of July ’05 I was realising a few things and getting back some confidence in this ‘God of mine’.

3rd of July ’05 – the journal (I was on an ‘off period for blogging’) has a good old look at some stuff from the book Captivating. The mention of Prov 4:23, some wandering around ‘understanding myself’ and the mention of something I find quite funny – about some fears I had (and still sort of have) the wants, and the desire to find my place in the world. Very interesting.

On Sunday Kathy preached – and if the YVV site is working you can probably download it in a week or so, on Eph 4:9-16 and Mark 14:32-42 – about ‘Growing Up’ 0r, “attaining to the whole measure of the fullness of Christ”.

As always I got heaps out of what she had to say and took copious notes. The ‘freedom’ theme came up several times which was interesting in light of that dream I had the night before.

Building into our spiritual maturity came up which she pointed to being both through spiritual disciplines and emotional health.

I had a laugh in the midst of my head’s garbage at the irony of just how low a point I was hitting in the, ’emotional health arena’ re: the listed examples given, at that point.

It’s a good thing to know that God is invested in our wholeness. It is (spiritual maturity) very much a unity thing – the ‘growing up’ involves eachother. I was reminded of what John Capper gave me back in March, Phillipians 2 and how he encouraged me to keep on with what was already going on in my life. A very positive morning all round (other bits besides the sermon were really good too) that managed to thoroughly muck with my insides but in a good way.

Today I spent on a trip into the city with Sam to meetup with Steve (that WAlien still hanging around 😉 – I was glad to get out of the house and into a situation that didn’t require or allow for much thought or the tendancy to slip in to, ‘I need Matthew 6 principles now’.

So we did the ‘cultural’ tour. ACMI as Fed Square Art Gallery was closed (yet again!) – I’ve never been there – it was pretty cool. NGV – no Picasso for Bec this time unfortuantely 🙁 but I got to facinate myself with the photography exhibition on Suburban America which both S&S got sick of long before I did, and the Shrine of Rememberance. Check out some of the photos on flickr if you so desire. Oh – and a trip to Starbucks.

I got the train back by my ownsome and was entertained by usual interesting train moments and my own head.

Mum made Chicken and Broccoli tonight – my favourite, and there was pithy orange juice.

The difference from last year to where I am now is huge. If it is possible to encourage yourself – I have by standing back a little and watching my reactions of how quickly God came into the focus of where my concerns were – He truly is what comes first and he really does look out for us.

“No eye has seen,
no ear has heard,
no mind has conceived
what God has prepared for those who love him”
– 1 Cor 2:9

Christianity General Relationships


Rather than bore you with a long wordy post (I’ll get to that later)
here’s a bit of a ‘photo tour’ with some extremely badly taken photos this afternoon. I can claim fault for a few of them – but for the rest I did not have control of the camera… There are some times where it’s just better to save the photo taking until you’ve got decent light.

Anyway with corny and normal captions, I bring you a social afternoon of the young adults where we bbq’d after church and crashed at Tim’s place to play some (Boggle) games – which we got to evenutally, after charades and a fair lot of talking etc…

BBQ’ing. Jess and Ana insiting on not being ‘in the photo’

Tim (oudoor ed Tim) and Susannah, err, this can illustrate all the ‘talking’ that went on. Andy, Jason (some mate of Tims) and another guy I never got the name of.

Michael and Kat (Who just got back from Fiji ) and Dan and Nay (Just back from China!) being silly.

Jess and I looking like we’ve taken something – Jess definitely did.

Laura, Me and Geoff watching charades- I think this is the best photo of the lot despite it being rather grainy (having been lightened by me) candid is good even if it reveals multiple chins etc :S….. Not Laura’s feet on the right. It does err show my comparitive shortness.

Jerome and Cameron (who looks oh so young in this photo), Rest of the crew watching charades: Justin, Chris (unknown), Jess, Jerome, Cam, Isobelle, Ana, Dave (Jess’s bro’s jumper).

Analise ‘charading’ and Nicole sitting on the floor there (who’s NEW finally some more girls!) and Jess in her element with a *little* word.

Terrible photo (massively lightened) but to prove Marty does exist, Jess and Dan (and a bit of Geoff’s tongue apparently) because that’s really the only other vertical photo left.

And yes, there were a couple of others there: Chris & Sarah, Ben (Dan’s brother) and some other new guy – whom I didn’t get to meet (woops) they weren’t really around too much, the one photo I do have is really terrible… not that I took it, but so that they feature (sorry to Ben):

Aren’t we all just so photogenic!

General Life

“It is for freedom that Christ has set us free…” Galatians 5

Someone asked me last night what in a way I most value (Most want was the actual question I think). I didn’t bring this one up: Freedom, in particular – independance. I possibly should’ve.

It’s really peculiar how God chooses to ram something down your throat in a particular way (that’s a harsh way to put it) but in some ways it was like that.

It’s an interesting thing to be shown up, have a minor revelation and a verse drop into your head and be enough to get you out of bed, to where you have to write things down and pray about something before the clock even turns 8:00am.

The nicest thing about it all is that it pushed me to consider freedom in other ways. In what Jesus did for us. Which really was the best possible thing for humanity and us as individuals. I under-rate it far too often without even trying. Freedom is multi-faceted and a beautiful thing.

Christianity General Life