Oh look, Dad ‘dropped’ by the blog from the Solomons.

Solomon Islands > Honiara, Makira

One small minor issue there:
Honiara is no way on Makira. Honiara is on Guadalcanal. Makira is a totally different island.

At least it exists!

Nice try Blogger.

General Solomon Islands

Every single time!

Any time I have anywhere I have to dress up for even just slightly, I get accosted.

Emily and Hannah’s eyes light up and I start hearing, “It’ll look natural… just a little bit… if I do this you can have…” and Mum starts using horrid phrases like ‘dolled up’ (no joke. it’s cringe worthy 3,000,000 times and she knows I despise it).

Anyway so tonight it’s a 21st. Nothing that fancy. Emily insisted interferring as the Haigs is out at her own party. I had my way by refusing to wear what she tried to make me and am wearing exactly what I intended to. She got turned down for foundation, mascara etc… but managed a little bit of I don’t know what.

Such bother! I mean really, if makeup is going to ‘look natural’ and ‘hardly be seen’ and it’s night-time anyway and the lights I doubt will be up to sun-type standards, then what’s really much of the point? Look a little bit. Whatever, I can deal with it, it can look nice but why is it ever that important!

General Life

Well a bit boring to poke another ‘media of the moment’ type thing at you. But yesterday I managed to come across the new Leigh Nash CD, “Blue on Blue” (former lead singer of Sixpence None the Richer). I knew it was coming out in August and was intending to get my hands on it, but not expecting it to be around so soon.

Anyway, it’s a winner. Probably on the more ‘cheesy’ end of the scale of music I listen to – much more ‘pop’ than Sixpence stuff. But her voice is beautiful and you can either ‘no brainer’ the thing or have a decent listen. It was declared ‘liked’ immediately by at least Laura and Hannah. I guess you could compare it slightly to Sarah McLaughlan – not that I really know any of her stuff. Same producer guy, same genre apparently. Just sort of… hmm, fun, enjoyable and a lot less depressing than a lot of Sixpence Stuff. Written mostly to/about her husband and son with the underlying ‘God stuff’ poked in there pretty subtley (true Sixpence style) now and then.

Favourite songs thus far would probably have to be Along the Wall or Never Finish.

General Music

Very pleased this was recommended to me. I finally got around to watching Adaptation tonight. Wow what a fantastic movie!

Arthousey enough to make me think, thrillerish enough to sufficiently freak me out (possibly not ideal), but an EXCELLENT movie.

Do bother watching it if you haven’t.

General Movies

On June the 18th 2005 I bought a camera.

Today that camera rewarded me with a System Error. I thought the SD card would’ve been the first to cark it. Sadly no.

I have given the funny old thing a run for it’s money and have taken thousands of photos – so many photos that I’d just tipped the 9,999 limit and the counter had restarted. This is still pretty frustrating, particularly as the waranty ran out only two months ago. You’d hope a $600 camera would last you longer than a year.

I sincerly doubt it’s worth getting fixed. Cheaper to just get a new one. It was already starting to tell that the button was getting less responsive.

So. I guess it’s now on to saving for a digital SLR and work out what my dream (but still affordable) camera is. I somehow don’t think buying one is going to happen any time soon.

much sadness.

General Photography