7525000539_l0.jpgYouth night tonight. Cake. I made six of them yesterday. Numbers were down but the food was up. Lollies and cream and icing everywhere. We shouldn’t have bought cream. They had a ball.

What made it worth it (and really, I pick the oddest things) – was that I happened to catch one of the girls eyes (new girl) during the God Spot and gave her a bit of a smile and got the most massive grin back.

So much cake around me that a half piece was enough – any more and I would’ve been sick.
James came to help out.

It was a good night.

Had a marvellous day wandering Richmond with G who had the day off work, came back for coffee and watched a rabbit in it’s death throws.

Congratulations to Jess Rae over at Breaking, Shaping, Moulding… That’s the most misleading and delightful blog post I’ve read in a long time!

General Life Ministry Relationships