Here’s what some of my BIM class at uni have been up to…

Prank Daddy

“Paul’s Video” is the one I was involved in. I’m assuming more stuff will eventually end up on the site.

General Uni

So my 9am WWW and Internet exam fast approaches…

Over the past semester I have come to realise a few very important things:

a) I cannot for the life of me write Java Script or PHP without a wizard/sample code and even then I struggle

b) HTML makes perfect sense compared to anything else web-code related

c) Design is by far the better part of everything NO EXCEPTIONS

d) Making code work is satisfying

e) I was never meant to program

f) A pass for the unit will be entirely satisfying

g) A pass is possible because the assignments have been okay to really good

h) I am going to be relying very heavily on understanding the theory and making educated guesses.

i) A fail is possible because there is too much because the whole thing needs to be painstakingly accurate

j) I don’t really care

l) Maybe

m) OK I do care but not because of the unit or the content but because it may affect my course hopping abilities.

I’ll be smiling at the other end of the 3hrs tomorrow but probably only because it’ll be over.

Design General Uni