I Overheard

bottleofwine.jpgI side stepped backwards through Craig’s blog today into a blog of a guy I’d heard a bit about already from Geoff. The Journey – Rodney Olsen. I was moseying around there and found a post on eavesdropping.

I do it without thinking, and find great delight in overhearing odd bits of wisdom from people I don’t know. Perhaps my own life simply isn’t entertaining enough, but I’ve learnt a fair bit from ‘the woman behind me to my left’. The eavesdrop is the one reason that I don’t hate public transport outright. It’s intriguing if anything and makes for good imagination food and good blogging matter. Funnily enough, God’s shown me stuff through things I’ve seen or overheard. I’m not exactly sure if I should be advocating passive prying into other people’s lives, but is something I do.

I’ve been watching and listening to my friend Sam’s new venture of a ‘morning collage’ and have been thinking a while about how appealing people’s scrapbooks (not the show off your photos kind) are.

I’d like to start one. Keep one. Go and do silly things like listen in to people and record it a different way than just the standard excess of words.

It can’t hurt to develop creativity. Play with design and colour. I already keep small masses of irrelevant items, like old metcards and movie tickets. Notebooks are never far away and glue is pretty cheap.

I’ve tried before unsuccessfully to keep a ‘design’ notebook. I’m not good at drafting and I prefer to make up my ideas as I go directly into creating a final piece. I don’t recommend it.

I am far too often stuck in a digital realm. I think it’ll be good for me to go a little wild.

The only problem is, I’m bound to end up wanting to blog it.


  1. said:

    when the journal finally gets to your house (for your sis hannie) you can take it after her and create something in it. that would be super. 🙂

    November 16, 2006
  2. said:

    Thanks for dropping in at my blog.

    I’m really enjoying looking around All Said and Done. I’ve added you to my Blog List and subscribed to your feed.

    I’ll be back.

    November 17, 2006
  3. said:

    Thanks Nick, it helps when you’re a web developer by trade 😉

    January 31, 2007

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