I’m back! Just a quick one to let you know I’m alive (a fraction tired) and still recovering from the information I missed about half the camp being kids from a Korean school – over for a cultural experience.
In short (and the long version/highlights will undoubtedly come later) I had a blast and came home with a t-shirt very similar to the one on the left.
It is regardless of the perks, VERY nice to be home.
Thanks for coming Bec. You’re fantastic with the kids and an asset to the leadership team.
It was good, as well, to chat for a bit without a keyboard being involved. Maybe it’s because of the INTJ thing or maybe it’s because you’re such a great listener. It feels like we’ve been friends for a lot longer than is actually the case. You just seem to get where I’m coming from, regardless of the conversation topic. So thanks for building me up a bit as well. Hopefully it’s a two-way street!