Uni assignments are sometimes very strange.
The following in particular. PopUps. How useless. How fiddly to cut out. How really rather boring. This was due ages ago (prelim – and I passed it) and now the ‘final’ is due in. I did discover that you can cut things much cleaner with a new blade but beyond that…
Oh alright, I guess it was an Adobe Illustrator excercise. I see the potential with that program, but I have yet to love it there’s something about not being a very patient person coupled with the pen tool that puts a strain on things.
My Popups were about Madame Curie. Now she is interesting.
Below is my Typography poster. I have determined that I am okay with the outcome but not 100% in love with it. Art Nouveau stuff. It was really simply getting us to explore an art era in a sneaky way. I had 1900-1910. I love Art Nouveau colours and so you can see the colour palette I put together (rather quickly, hence why they are very randomly placed).
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