Dress in the flesh

Or the other way around, flesh in the dress, but that would be speaking of myself a bit too coarsely. Hohum. I shall be quiet now.

I talked about my outlandish experiment of seeing if I could interpret a pattern and sew something worth wearing. Here is the photo to prove that I can, although the proof was only ever necessary for my strange compulsion – quite mercifully in this post-modern world, no one else cares less if you can or can’t sew.

Okay. It might still not have the straps sewn on or the hem taken up. It’ll get there.



  1. said:

    haha..does this mean your making our bridesmaid dress’s?? :p

    August 11, 2007
  2. katie said:

    very nice!! i’m even more impressed that you hand-sewed it all. i’d never have the patience or desire or anything to hand sew that much! does it hold together well? (i mean that quite seriously)… i have the impression that hand sewing (well, running stitch) isnt nearly as strong as machine stitching and so it might pull apart easily?

    August 11, 2007
  3. said:

    I was wondering the same when I was making it, it actually feels okay (seams wise) I don’t think I’d give it too much strenuous pulling and would probably handwash it, but yeah – surprisingly my very odd badly sewn hand-sew seems to have faired okay. I did double up on a few ends to re-sew bits and I had to redo one small bit (near gather) as it came undone.

    August 11, 2007
  4. said:

    You really HAND SEWED this dress?? I’m truly in awe Bec. I once sewed up my work apron by hand and caused more damage than good. Love the choice of fabric too. Are they Peonies?

    August 12, 2007
  5. said:

    Well done Bec. I am very impressed. It is hard to know how a pattern is going to work out in terms of fit and cut. That alone is enough to deter me. The quick sew thing that is supposed to take an hour to make, takes me six, and then looks utterly unflattering or does not even fit – I can’t bring myself to go there. Although I have just finished sewing a pair of polar fleece pants for Jemima (a cost of $4 for material vs $35 for pants from Kathmandu). But they do look homemade, and incredibly high rise. No designer touches to be seen. However, Jemima is none the wiser.

    August 12, 2007
  6. said:

    I have no idea what the flowers are… I simply saw it on sale $8 p/m instead of 24.95 p/m and thought I’d take the risk (I personally thought $8 was too much but the colours appealed).

    Hurrah for Jemima high-pants, at the rate things are going she’ll be right in fashion (ugh).

    The fabric for those who were confused is silk which meant it was horrendous to cut because it really just does slide everywhere.

    Dad thinks I take after him when he saw this… something about being able to read a pattern. 😛

    August 12, 2007
  7. said:

    thank you all 😛 it was a good bit of fun. Nice to try something new now and then.

    I’m still really glad I’m studying Communication Design not Fashion Design like some of my fellow classmates.

    August 12, 2007
  8. said:

    It looks so freaking good on you 🙂

    August 12, 2007
  9. said:

    “Dad thinks I take after him when he saw this… something about being able to read a pattern. “

    Just as long as it’s not got to do with looking great in a dress 😛

    P.S – What a hottie!

    August 13, 2007
  10. said:

    have you considered the potential reversal of your post title?

    August 13, 2007
  11. said:

    oops helps to read tim duh

    August 13, 2007
  12. said:

    Actually its good to see you fleshing out these things…. really quite refleshing. Just one question tho… when you took the photo, did u turn the flesh on, or was there enough natural light?

    You really should take up fleshion design as a side dish. The dress is fantestic thets for sure.

    (tim ducks to avoid the pointy end of bec’s moderation pencil)

    Hey dont pick on me, I just have a kiwi accent and a peach expirement… expediment… thing.

    wow Geoff is goign to kill me

    August 13, 2007

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