I have a dilemma. Perhaps I am a little forward thinking, but clearly not enough.
My current email address is rebecca.mysurname@gmail.com
when I happen to acquire a new last name in January (Ignore the hogwash in the Age that says women should keep their old last names… I’m quite glad to get rid of it’s horrible spelling) I will theoretically need/want a new email address that reflects it.
being a slightly more common surname,
rebecca.newsurname@gmail.com and rebeccanewsurname@gmail.com are TAKEN.
This is somewhat devastating. I’d like something professional, none of this imahotchick@hotmail business.
I could go for rebecca@allsaid… or rebecca@geoffandbec… but I don’t know how ‘valid’ professionally they are?
What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?
rebecca@allsaid etc still sounds professional, in my opinion.
What about putting your middle initial in there (rebeccaxnewsurname@gmail.com) or just having your initials and surname? (rx.newsurname@gmail.com)What about reversing the order? (newsurname.rebecca@gmail.com)
yes I have come along this problem. It was solved with Rodneys suggestion. You may have noticed with my email address.
Poor Bec.
Make Geoff take your name. 😛
Alternatively, brand yourself. If you want to go professional, then perhaps having an email address @yourblogdomain isn’t necessarily the direction you want to go in. Register another domain for yourself. You could even put up a site with some folio pieces.
There’s also nothing stopping you from having one email address for the professional stuff and one for more cuddly things. I do that. In fact, I’ve almost got one for each circle of people I move amongst. Right down to the hotmail account that I don’t care about that I give to Junior Camp kids so that they can spam me with chain mail.
I don’t write mean things about you! Leave me alone!
iamahotchick@hotmail.com is a good email address. Grrrr.
bimbo indeed
What about just becnewsurname@ gmail or is that one already taken too?
erm. yes It is taken now ‘by me’ however, it is not very professional.
I don’t think having ‘Bec’ rather than ‘Rebecca’ makes you any less professional. If potential employers/other professional people see a resumee, or whatever of you, and see that your name is Rebecca but you have an email address of Bec, I’m sure they won’t think twice of it – most people can understand that Bec is a normal shortened version of Rebecca.
So, I’d go with that, or the middle initial suggestion. I used that one as well.