An odd request perhaps, but my artistic ability extends to such things as layout and the computer mouse and steers away from pen, ink, paint and paint. This makes producing something original without a stack of effort, well, a lot of effort.
My lovely Dad has set October 10 as when he wants to see wedding invitations so he can send them out (this is not meant to make me look incapable but I think it is leaning that way). This is quite soon.
My issue lies in wanting things (esp. in my arena) to be far too good for their own worth. I’d love some original art or sketch or something on my invites. I hate non-originality so if you happen to have some spare time and feel creative, I’d love to see any efforts.
Abstract to trees to whatever… I can’t guarantee I’ll use it and this is a highly presumptuous post especially considering I have no $ to pay you, but oh well.
I’m such a suck. I should just ask my little sister.
I could do a cartoon…;)
is stick people okay? Will you put submissions up in a blog post for people to point and laugh at? we could have some fun with this u kno!
This is the 2nd offer I’ve had to help with wedding invites tonight.
check your email