wittenberg.jpgI thought I’d post a picture of the door of Wittenberg instead of the face. Martin Luther was *really quite an ugly man – a sentiment expressed in quite a few other theologians (or perhaps they were just rude to the artists?)… nicely though now. Good on him for whacking his disgruntlements about indulgences up for the world to see.

So in honor of my Dad’s Reformed church background and in honor of probably of my own – here’s to the guy who was brave and managed to change history with a piece of paper, a steady aim and lot of ideas.

Also you know… for translating the Bible into the vernacular (boy I love that word) and marrying a young nun even though he was worried that he’d die a heretic and didn’t really want to put anyone through that stress.

I think it’s important to understand our history, however I think it’s also valuable to recognise that even the most regarded aren’t perfect. Antisemitism is nothing to write home about.

Thus concludes my highly incomplete thoughts on Luther. Thanks to the past church history classes I’ve taken, Colin Youl, Craig Brown. The background has served me well. I couldn’t have posted this without you (or without wikipedia to refresh my memory).

Post dedication to here, as it made me realise that it’s ‘Reformation Day’.

*And if I by some fluke I happen to win via a pingback, please give the takings to someone else.

Christianity Church

Christianity Design Photography Post of the Day

the-question-mark-comes-at-the-end.jpgTo conclude my research subject at uni this semester we had an interesting look at some creative thinking techniques. We were given these in the context of design for the intent of translating them to ‘research’ methods. I confess that I spent my time daydreaming about how I could apply the techniques to something as simple as a poster design. Specifically a-la-crapola must re-do.

I’ve never been that good at pre-planning design. It’s something I really have to put a lot more effort in to. My work style lends itself toward getting straight onto InDesign (or Illustrator/Photoshop etc.) and playing, while bypassing hand-done sketches and plans. This, as my parents might note, is exactly how I used to approach Maths back in school. Give me the shortcut. I don’t want to do it the long way around unless it is to understand ‘why’ and as soon as I’ve found that out, I’ll go back to using the shortcut – consequently making plenty of silly little mistakes but having a great time getting there.

We covered:

Edward DeBono’s 6 Thinking Hats – I missed the first 15 minutes of the lecture because I missed my train. I’ve heard of the theory before. It’s a novel idea really – I think I might be inclined to be stubborn about my lovely coagulated viewpoint, so in reality no doubt doing something this way would be a great discipline.

Zwicky Box (Also called Morphological Box)- designed by an astrophysicist, it’s crazy tool for finding strange associations between unrelated things. Roughly speaking, it’s a table of headings that aren’t associated and following alternate subheading (also distinct from each other) and a path is chosen through these subheadings using a dice or some other very random method. The output then must reflect these associations. This can also be restricted by limiting the variables.

SCAMPER – An acronym:

Substitute or switch
Combine with something else
Adapt or alter part of it
Modify or distort
Put to some other use
Eliminate a part of it
Rearrange a part of it

These of course can be used in partial, or in full and often their use will present yet another slightly different problem but hopefully a lesser one. I really liked the simplicity of this and the structure that it gives for changing something ever so slightly.

I’m sure there are many more creative thinking stimuli out there, such as Pro-blogger’s: 9 Attitudes of Highly Creative People.

If you find more, specifically ones that you use and are effective, please let me know.

Design General Uni

Well as of tonight Geoff and I are in search of some pre-marriage counselors… nope nothing’s gone horribly wrong in our relationship (it’s going quite alright thank you!) but we had it all nicely lined up and were on a bit fat waiting list and now (as I’m inclined to say at the minute), we have been shafted.

Of course the couple were nice about it, but as it is, we’ve already left it late because we’ve been waiting and now we have to go find someone else.

There is one potential up our sleeve – they live a bit away but it’s doable, but some prayer would be nice. We’re 9 weeks out from getting married (or so I’m told) and it’s one of the things we are really keen on doing and think is important.

Pretty sure we’ll wind up doing the Prepare course. Anyone done this one?


I haven’t dropped off the planet, I’ve been busy doing homework for assignments due yesterday, today and in the coming week.

This blog got a massive lot of hits the other day – I cannot work it out. I don’t think I even posted.

Anyway. I want to thank you for reading, it’s good fun having readers to be really honest, and I shall be back in full force within the next week or so.

If you read and you don’t comment (or even if you do), could whack a short comment on the end of this post – I’m just curious.


Blogging Uni