210289852_b2812e3751_m.jpgI’ve started vaguely thinking about the problem of being a self indulgent and if it’s a) appropriate in moderation, b) appropriate at all, c) alright if you don’t hit an extreme.

Boundless have a reasonable article – thoughts semi began here, although it’s been highlighted through my recent recognition of how much money I’ve spent lately.

Indulging seems to occur in several ways:

Buying ‘satisfying’ stuff
Buying/eating comfort/happy food
and the tendancy to spend time in a comfortable way, both literally through sleep or even just doing stuff that’s enjoyable.

Typically I approach holidays as a ‘more indulgent time’ and I think there is a balance of ‘relax’ for your own good/health and dare I say happiness (on the mental stakes end) and fun but sometimes we go too far.

I am unsure what the point is. Or what I can do about it, besides to ‘stop buying things’. I don’t want to tread the other extreme of burning out because I’m doing so much ‘good’ stuff to deal with the ‘guilt’ – which to be honest isn’t super strong.

Anyway, they are my initial thoughts.

Ps. We now have a Labor government. I’m pleased with the outcome this time around, although I can’t say I sit heavily in either major party court.

Christianity Life

I should tell it all in pictures. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me for a staff afternoon of hotbox frisbee and tippity cricket, or my cousin’s hens night – and rocking up to a rollerskating rink in 80’s bridesmaid/bride(for her) dresses, and skating with them on – now that was fun. Not exactly me, but it was hilarious and no one broke anything.

Along with all that I’ve also been keeping busy at my cousin’s bridal shower, my friend Mark’s wedding (Beth came in on a Ute!) (photos below and on facebook) and a 12 hour marathon and I’m not exaggerating, of making bridesmaid dresses (photos below).

Better posts to come, as always.

Mark and Beth

markbeth.jpg ontheute.jpg

Bridesmaid Dress Make-a-thon: 10:30am – 12:30am

2x 95% complete
1x 80% complete
1x 50% complete

analaura.jpg sew.jpg elycehardwork.jpg


Ana and Jess eventually fell asleep and we went so long we even wore Sally out:


Life Wedding Work