Interesting how fast the world seems to go by. I found this through Say No to Crack this morning and thought I’d have a go at seeing if I could get YouTube to co-operate. It’s stunning stuff, just a pity it’s spoiled by the misspelt ‘piece’ at the end.

Listen, O heavens, and I will speak;
hear, O earth, the words of my mouth.

Let my teaching fall like rain
and my words descend like dew,
like showers on new grass,
like abundant rain on tender plants.

I will proclaim the name of the LORD.
Oh, praise the greatness of our God!

He is the Rock, his works are perfect,
and all his ways are just.
A faithful God who does no wrong,
upright and just is he.

-Deut 32:1-4

General Life Movies

One for the Road has a post that is worth your while:

Why I am growing to appreciate and value all kinds of christian – but especially the old kind…

While I’m going on about links, Matt Hill pointed me towards Red White You which is a new online youthy Christian community that a) looks pretty cool b) looks like it has some decent content. Unlike Gush which is currently forums only, this has some articles (like the old Gush). Probably apt to mention now that my Gush days are pretty much up, I’ve decided to be involved in the TEAR Vocare course/program this year and with that, uni, leading youth, work, the odd ESA camp, the occasional post on Advoc8, moving out etc… I’ll have more than enough on my plate.

Other good news is that today I got a call from where I used to work (MBO) and they’ve pretty much offered me my old job back with the view to getting me in on some half days (fitting in around uni) and perhaps a whole day. So work is pretty much sorted! I am very pleased to be heading back into such a fantastic work environment. I will still probably apply for the other job I’ve mentioned previously as it is graphic design type work which makes some sense in getting more experience, but we’ll see.

General Life Post of the Day Work

The more I think about:

  • The Kingdom of God
  • Social Justice
  • A purposeful life
  • Selflessness (which is much easier to talk about than do)
  • Living with every action, word, moment etc… in line with how God I think would have me live
  • And so on,

The more I get discouraged.

I can hang around on a lazy day (guilt point one) and listen to Tracy Chapman and songs like Material World as one example, which I will quote here because the lyrics are fairly direct,

You in your fancy
Material world
Don’t see the links of chain
Binding blood

Our own ancestors
Are hungry ghosts
Closets so full of bones
They won’t close

Call it upward mobility
But you’ve been sold down the river
Just another form of slavery
And the whole man-made white world
Is your master

You in your fancy
Material world
Create in your own image
A supreme god

Your Virgin Mary
Your Holy Ghosts
Claimed to be pure of heart
Have hands that are stained with blood

You in your fancy
Material world
Don’t see the links of chain

I start thinking of all the things I could be doing (guilt point two), should be doing (guilt point three), aren’t doing (guilt point four), am doing that I shouldn’t be doing (guilt point five), my lack of planning for things that could be done at a foreseeable point in the future (guilt point six), the things I still want (guilt point seven) and the things that I want and may be able to justify but really shouldn’t (guilt point eight).

So much of me wants to not get to the point where I haven’t done all the things I wanted to do.

I would love to have “Been there and done that” or/and “Been there and doing that” in living effectively for God. Living simply. Living intentionally. Living with boundaries in place for appropriate rest (Sabbath). Living to best of my God given skills, talents and giftings. Working where I’m suited. Marrying someone for more than self fulfillment. Treating ‘my money’ as God’s and using it appropriately, along with my time.

It is much too easy to wait around until a more convenient time (guilt point nine). Than to sit down and seriously work out what needs to change.

I’d love to have the capacity to think big and act on it instead of think hesitantly, glimpse big, back off because big is too big despite things needing to start small. I never quite know where to start.

General Life

trackman.jpgYesterday I bought trackies.

Seems like 2007 is a year of firsts. First time for perfume, first time for trackies, first time for…

I usually live in jeans.

These ones are from Rivers, were cheap and are only fractionally too long – which is why I have never bought them before.

Commemorated the moment by quickly making a Trackman Picasso. I thought I’d share it, how corny!

General Life

serpentstantial.jpgThe past few days I have been in Canberra for a Wedding. It was replete with humorous moments and many more meetings of cousins and relatives. I had great fun! The wedding was very nice. Now I have returned and am going to answer a few questions.

Why questions?

A couple of reasons:

a) Questions seem to be the flavor of the week! They featured as a whole evening at Young Adults a few nights ago AND Two ~7 hour car trips provided ample time for conversation – I probably wound up asking Geoff (and vice versa) quite a few questions along the way even if some of them did just simply relate to what was for lunch. No really, we had a fantastic time and decided it was probably a good sign that we still weren’t sick of each other by the end of it. (*key Paul, siblings and certain others to gag here)

b) It’s an easy way to write a blog post. I want to write a blog post but I’m tired, so this is how you’re getting one.

Question 1: How many blog entries did your RSS feeder pick up by the time you got home?

Answer: 95 entries. Read many. Skimmed most. Skipped a few.

*NB. Gone two days.

Question 2: How many times did you get asked when ‘your wedding’ was going to happen?

Answer: Once that I can remember, but it was implied many more times in conversation. In fact there were quite a few of us there coping the, ‘So when’s the…?’ question. Poor Robsy (Mark’s girl) was freaking out a little I think.

Question 3: What’s happening with your car?

Answer: It got fixed while I was away. The RACV guy was wrong, it was the ignition switch. All up (+more towing) cost me ~$200. It is now working.

Question 4: What’s happening about a job?

Answer: I am getting a phone call from my old-old work on Tuesday. Here’s to hoping! I am also going to apply for the job I mentioned previously – graphic design work for a Church in the City.

And to finish of this post so I can head to bed, I picked these questions up off a blog I keep tabs on

1. What’s the most fun work you’ve ever done, and why? (Two sentences max)

I had a great fun waitressing for a School Formal (The Really Formal Kind) two years ago now with my friends Jess W and Sam, it was hard work and we run off our feet. I just had a blast for some odd reason.

2. Name one thing you did in the past that you no longer do but wish you did? (One sentence max)

I used to play basketball daily with friends in the Solomons.

3. Name one thing you’ve always wanted to do but keep putting it off? (One sentence max)

Go on a short holiday by myself to spend some more focused time on looking at my life and praying about… well stuff – life, everything.

4. What two things would you most like to learn or be better at, and why? (Two sentences max)

I would love to learn to play guitar and to speak French (this also counts under the ‘be better at’. I can currently count to ten in French and Italian – this serves very little purpose).

5. If you could take a class/workshop/apprentice from anyone in the world living or dead, who would it, be and what would you hope to learn? (Two more sentences, max)

I would love to take a class from CS Lewis and hope to learn about how he spent his time thinking/listening/learning and talking to God and where the heck most of his ‘crazy-wonderful’ theological ideas came from. (That too cliched for you?)

6. What three words might your best friends or family use to describe you?

Honest (and they’re probably meaning in the blunt sense)

7. Now list two more words you wish they described you as…


8. What are your top three passions? (can be current or past, work, hobbies, or causes– three sentences max)

Writing and Words – blogging, reading, grammar natzi’ing…
Design and Photography – making things look ‘right’ = ban comic sans
Community and Relationships – despite my ‘sullen moments’, I actually like people quite a lot.

9. Write–and answer–one more question that YOU would ask someone (with answer in three sentences max)

Q: What is it you want to do most right now?

A: Stop thinking, stop writing this and go to bed.

General Holidays Life Personality