This is really quite interesting. I’d love one of these cameras!
Back in December I had a short inspired moment to pursue digital painting. Well I gave it a shot today. I used this tutorial which although isn’t brilliantly interesting, still looked better than some of the others around and seemingly not hideously complicated.
So here is the result. I dumped in an island and a bit more cloud to give it a Solomony/Savo feel. It’s really quite boring, but I’m not devastated with the effort. Infact considering I did this all on Photoshop with just a brush and a smudge tool (okay I might’ve made some hue/lighting changes too), I’m pretty happy. I don’t like the sand. All up it is more wispy than the tutorial, but I dare say one shot is not destined for accuracy, it takes many.
*And some further changes an d a crop. I like this better:
Post of the day goes to a blog I do not read but found through someone else who also found it through someone else.
It’s a very interesting post. Somewhat challenging and quite beautiful. I am not about to cease blogging but it’s an important reminder to keep things in perspective.
The things you don’t realise! Yesterday I fell in love with Feedburner. It first saved my bum in providing a mail subscription option for my work’s blog. Not that it was any real huge issue, but it did bring a note of satisfaction to my afternoon.
Secondly, in my perusal of wordpress plugins I realised that I did not have my standard blog feed hooked up to my feedburner one. Woops. I found a plugin that lets me do this easily and so now everything is set. But Feedburner has so much more. I’d hardly scratched the surface. It pays sometimes to explore a little more.
One day I’ll work out how Technorati and Digg work and why I am bothering having accounts there (or I think I still do).
Blogging tools of choice:
Check out Unphotographable. I am amused. It’s something I would do. Perhaps if I got my dream camera* I’d take it everywhere? It’s a bit like dreaming up some wonderful story or blog post and promptly forgetting it because you don’t have any kind of writing implement… kind of.
Speaking of photographs, check out the coffee I still have sitting beside me! Yes it does taste as good as it looks. Sometimes I do just get it right. It’s not perfect but it’s pretty darn close (Perfect dictates no airbubbles showing in the milk). Smugness all round.
*as yet undecided but it would be a nikon and an SLR, obscure inside sources tell me to wait until the self cleaning gets more effective and common sense tells me to wait until I save up enough money.