After all my whinging, the internet is not totally destitute of quality help for stuck youth leaders.
In my digging for something that we needed for youth on Sunday FAST, which I didn’t end up fulfilling (but things wound up okay), I found a whole lot of intriguing and useful blogs. Along with design related thing – a spawn from Church Marketing Sucks. Interesting.
Chase these links:
Church Marketing Lab – brochures/cards/flyers/posters done by people for Churches, some pretty good work here. I have a small bit of fun doing youth programs now and then, but I really don’t produce masterpieces. This might inspire me.
Jonny Baker – check the ‘Worship Tricks’ on the right hand side.
Passionately Pensive – her writing is fun and she shares ideas now and then.
Rethinking Youth Ministry – the title says it.
If you know of any other good ones please share.
image by Dan McArthy (I sourced it from somewhere else… but as usual I have forgotten where) regardless, there’s something pretty timeless and beautiful about it.
A friend of mine has a blog at not only is she one of my favourite people in the world, but she runs a young adults group and is assistant pastor with her musical genius husband[he played at our wedding ceremony] Rob. She actually just covered fasting in their young group and she posted her notes from it. She often posts her sermons and all sorts of interesting things up there. Oh and her and the pastors wife just opened their own homewares company which imports goods from Cambodia, sells them here and therefore enables young woman in cambodia to get out of the brothels and have good paid work, and the ability to support their families. Also I predict that the style may very well appeal to you Bec [of the little that I know of you of course
Love love love