I am meant to own the book, but I’m currently leaning on the website. It’s a good little thing. Saved my bum for some straight forward definitions. If you can find me the book online for less than $38 all up, I’d be grateful if you’d let me know.
Today has been filled with the painstaking task of drawing grids on tracing paper over A3 pages, labeling EVERYTHING and then going online to identify all the typefaces present. Oh Joy. Then I found Identifont. Needless to say, it helped enormously. There are too many millions of fonts/typefaces out there and when you’re looking for minor differences between 100’s of sans-serif options it gets painful.
I’m not doing this for fun specifically… I’m doing it for my class: Typography for Publication.
I never used to understand grids. I still half think they are stupid because people consistently break the boundaries and then simply give it a new name like a ‘muli-layered grid’. Why not stick to your margins or don’t call it a grid at all? However, I am slowly developing some kind of appreciation.
Despite the annoyance of filling my day, I half didn’t mind the hands on, focused aspect of it all. It keeps my brain flexible. I could happily spend (most of) my life online or in my head – sometimes they are one and the same.