I have a lecturer at uni who gets kicks out of dropping names. Artist names, designer names, typographic names, sculptors, printers… it’s both good and annoying, because you end up scribbling down names incorrectly and so quickly that you cannot whallop enough context around them to even hope you’ve spelt them well enough to chase down later. I have been meaning for a while to push myself into a position where I am a more intentional about chasing some of these names up. So for the past while I have marking names with asterisks or drawing little arrows that say ‘blog’.
From now on, every time this happens (which is usually at least once every Tuesday morning) I MUST read up about/write up about this oh-so-interesting/crazy/normal person.
Name Drop: Paul Scher
There is a decent article over on Fast Company: The Wordsmith.
She works for Pentagram