So the Mac Uploader for Flickr seems to a little more agreeable in allowing uploads, so you can now find me on Flickr at the following address.

At a guess it wont get super interesting until I’ve got boiling waterloads of time during holidays. Would love to experiment a bit more with photography – it’s been a while since I’ve had a really good crack at it.


Yesterday was very full. Three baptisms at church… I missed Noah’s but was there for Bek’s – one of the youth girls… love the death stare at the camera, and Dylan’s – my friend Ana’s younger brother, who’s testimony was fairly full on. It was a good morning.



We trouped back to Bek’s place for a celebratory BBQ lunch and played some Guitar Hero with a good crew of the youth (We fit right in, despite someone insisting Geoff and I were ‘the adults).

It was also my Grandma’s birthday, so we took her out for afternoon tea with my family and then went and saw my Grandpa in the nursing home. I haven’t seen him for ages – and not since he’s gotten worse.


Church Life

Thought I’d share a really good little article on design inspiration.

Don’t Copy a Design – Steal It

I am at this very moment reflecting on how my insatiable desire to aquire knowledge is in some form a benefit to me in design. I horrified a friend yesterday in admitting that sometimes (usually) I’d ‘rather write lists of ideas’ than ‘draw ideas’, perhaps my mind is just so crammed full of knowledge that the most difficult part it is letting the correct part escape and then grabbing the damn thing and forcing it into something visual.

Whether that’s true or not… I might just maintain it, for the sake of sanity.

…that or kick off my argument that words can be just as visual as images, if not more.
