Makeesha shared one of these videos today and I made my way over to Crash + Love and checked out the other two.
They’re wonderful. Especially the Brooklyn “closet theory”.
Makeesha shared one of these videos today and I made my way over to Crash + Love and checked out the other two.
They’re wonderful. Especially the Brooklyn “closet theory”.
Lets run with JEALOUS all over my face and leaking out my fingers.
This is the nicest blog I have ever seen. Functionaly, navigation, interactivity (in how it draws you in) – it’s all superb. Naturally, it’s the guy who also designed the WordPress logo. I truly love web design and have a niggling regret now and then that I did the swap from multimedia to communication design. Yes the Deakin course was the wrong one, but I can’t help thinking I should’ve gone to Swinburne Multimedia over Swinburne Communication Design. At least my sideline love affair with CSS can continue and perhaps one day I will reach the point of worthy of making such a splendid website. For now I must continue to hack away and try things in my spare time. A little more injection of ambition and risk might be good too.
Last night Geoff and I went to see Revolutionary Road.
It’s slowish, granted, but it’s worth the time and thought it demands post viewing. Winslet is exceptionally good, Leo DiCaprio should still be wearing bloomers and the man who plays John – the ‘disturbed’ realator’s son is brilliant. The actors are there but it’s propelled by it’s themes. I’m desperately wanting to read the book – it’ll sit close on par with the awkward and dark Dorian Gray.
In very brief summary Revolutionary Road is about being stuck in the mouse wheel of life, and in this in itself hits rather close to home. You’re left with the uncanny feeling that, that’s the bit that actually worked it’s way under your skin, over the other more dramatic issues.
So if you are up for solemn, somewhat disturbing but thought inducing watch. Do take the time.