Lets run with JEALOUS all over my face and leaking out my fingers.
This is the nicest blog I have ever seen. Functionaly, navigation, interactivity (in how it draws you in) – it’s all superb. Naturally, it’s the guy who also designed the WordPress logo. I truly love web design and have a niggling regret now and then that I did the swap from multimedia to communication design. Yes the Deakin course was the wrong one, but I can’t help thinking I should’ve gone to Swinburne Multimedia over Swinburne Communication Design. At least my sideline love affair with CSS can continue and perhaps one day I will reach the point of worthy of making such a splendid website. For now I must continue to hack away and try things in my spare time. A little more injection of ambition and risk might be good too.
It’s not all about what degree you have. I’m a testament of that.
Oh I know
But you still have to get through the course once you’re there.