
Sometimes I am entirely convinced that photographs lie. The lake (left) didn’t look quite that beautiful in person, although I think I might have happened to catch a good moment.

I sat for almost 2hrs in the car park in an attempt to get away from home distractions. It worked, but after that much of reading through bits and pieces and questions from my text book – exam study was just as unappealing as it is anywhere.

So around 3pm I decided to take advantage of the standard ’round the lake’ path and did just that. Had a cold but good walk/run and managed to get a few photos of the cormorants that seem to be perptually showing off.

The birds must either be extremely territorial or just very used to people as I managed to get quite close – despite the clacking of angry bird noises.

A much better way to spend an afternoon. My exam is next Monday so I still have a bit of time left, the fact that I skipped a fair few of the last lectures isn’t probably much credit but I don’t think it’s going to be to bad judging on the past two years papers.

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