montage1It seems a shame to not do something like this when I have such a wealth of resources available to me. As you may or may not know, my mum sells books (mostly kids books) on Ebay under the name gudfalabuks. Her stock levels tend to surpass the rate at which she sells, so much so that my Dad is in the middle of building a shed out the back in an attempt to reclaim some room/s. Anyway occasionally mum comes across books full of beautiful illustrations. Usually my sisters (two of which live at home) squabble over them and then I come along for a visit and the book winds up going home with me. So I now have a small but essentially endless supply of books with great illustrations. And other times I can rely on books being delivered directly into my hands.

Cue: Illustration Friday.

On Fridays you can expect to find up here a post about a book illustration/s. It might be a kids book, or a cover of a favourite novel… The few to the left are just a teaser.

Books Design Experiments illustration


Pleased to report that we have our housing sorted for next year! We will potentially see if we can get out of our current lease a little bit early but might have to play that one by ear. If that’s the case we’ll can potentially move around the Christmas period. Which could be a bit crazy, but considering the whole of November through January is going to be totally out of whack with Geoff on intensive and me job hunting and everything else, I’ve decided that a little bit more of crazy wont make much difference. I am looking forward, oddly, to sorting through our crap and whittling everything down before moving. I intend to be ruthless.

And while I’m talking about houses, check out:

The Clingstone House. Oh my gosh it’s awesome!

Experiments Holidays House Life


Create Design Experiments


And when you google the word horizons you get lots of naff pictures. Mostly of beaches and sunsets. The real thing is something else, however it seems that it’s a rare photo that can do a sunset (or a beach) justice and a rarer one still that should ever be framed. So for the sake of literal illustration here’s a variation of the U2 No Horizons cover, which is not naff at all, quite beautiful infact.

Why horizons anyway? Well if we want to wrap the cliche baby up nicely and wave it like a flag then it’s only fair to use it in the blog title. What else is there to say, but:

I just applied for a design job.

not naff image from here

Design Experiments Life