
I am on holidays!!! (So perhaps the blog will see a little more action as my time is invested less in homework.)

Here’s the grasshopper – the ‘official’ mockup. The subject was about design and production i.e. the methods you would use to mass produce your item (not all were pop-ups) and correct file set up and print separations etc. Also got to use the photography studio at uni which was great although I managed to leave one of my spare camera batteries there and it got packed away with the uni equipment, eventually it shall return to me, thankfully have three of them so should be right.

Photography Uni


Sharing the lovely snail on this Sunday afternoon.
© Rebecca Matheson


For a uni assignment I had to visit a printer who dealt with thermography – thermography produces a raised surface by melting a resin powder over ink. This is my favourite photo from our visit to Verko Press. Otto bought the business in 1968.


© Rebecca Matheson 2009

Create Culture Design Photography Uni