Might I rant about flowers? A trip to three florists the other day has it on my brain. I am booked in for an appointment on Saturday morning to ‘discuss’ further ideas.

Firstly, I have decided against trying to do them myself despite it being the far cheaper options.

Fact: flowers are living things and they die if you keep them too long. I do not want to be mucking around with trying to get things right for me and 4 bridesmaids the night before or the morning of the wedding. We are cutting costs elsewhere. This is my justification and it aint going to change.

Tell me why people find the following flowers attractive, particularly in weddings?

I don’t get it! Big showy spikey things. Colour is the only thing that saves many from looking like they belong in funerals – but even then they don’t work.

A prime example of lillies being used in the most hideous sense.

Let me now express my dislike of trailing bouquets. Give me a round maybe even slightly disorganized bouquet, but not something that looks like it belongs at Niagra. None of this cascading crap. (Alliteration is the only reason I’m using the word crap here, I have seen a few bouquets like this look okay but most don’t work).

Leave them in the tropics, they don’t look good in bouquets. They grow attached to trees…. On the odd occasion (if small and mixed with a mass of other stuff) they’ll pass, but nope. If you’re in Hawaii, you can have orchids. And NOT the fluro purple ones.

Finally, any bouquets that resemble this should be banned, they belong in… the 80’s (I think – if ever)

Throw me something more wild – poppies, peonies, ranunculus, roses (some), green leaf things, berries…


I have a dilemma. Perhaps I am a little forward thinking, but clearly not enough.

My current email address is rebecca.mysurname@gmail.com
when I happen to acquire a new last name in January (Ignore the hogwash in the Age that says women should keep their old last names… I’m quite glad to get rid of it’s horrible spelling) I will theoretically need/want a new email address that reflects it.


being a slightly more common surname,

rebecca.newsurname@gmail.com  and rebeccanewsurname@gmail.com are TAKEN.

This is somewhat devastating. I’d like something professional, none of this imahotchick@hotmail business.

I could go for rebecca@allsaid… or rebecca@geoffandbec… but I don’t know how ‘valid’ professionally they are?

What do you think? Do you have any suggestions?

Life Wedding

Unbeknown to most, my bridesmaid count upped itself the other day.

Three became four, when my good friend worked out that going to India over January wasn’t going to happen. After talking about it with Geoff we decided that it makes very little difference to include another two people, especially two that we’d really like to be a part of the day. So Jess joined Laura, Analise and Elyce and Paul joined Mark, Col and Tim.

Such a fun crew!

But that’s it. Four is quite enough – probably more than enough. My little sisters are still cut, but you just can’t have everyone.

As for the question I keep getting asked, “How are wedding things coming along?” Let me answer: It’s a slow plod, but things are getting done. Invite list is pretty much set. Bridesmaid dresses will get made, reception will mostly sort itself out (maybe *crossed fingers*), we’re having dinner with the guy doing the ‘official stuff’ shortly, the pre-marriage counselor couple are almost free enough to fit us in and I’ll get around to doing the invitations one of these days…


talking_heads.jpgMy mum is obsessed with op-shops. I mean obsessed. It’s been that way since ever I can remember. Her curiosity has branched into a somewhat more lucrative business in the past years of I which I participated in for six months in selling off secondhand kids books on eBay.

Ever since Geoff’s and my engagement, mum has been showering me with bridal magazines, no joke, I have 20+ on my bedroom floor. Before I go any further, a word of advice. Don’t ever buy wedding magazines new. To start with they’ll put you out of pocket $15 a pop. Indulge in Library/Opp-shop finds and you’ll soon discover that for the most part they are utterly useless for anything other than getting ideas for the kind of wedding dress you’d like – once you’ve got your dress, you’re on your own baby (with Google and your sometimes interested fiancee, sisters, bridesmaids…)!

This endowment of bridal information has thus been nice and good and fun but today she hit the jackpot.

If there is one book you should borrow/steal/buy/find before you go about throwing it all at a wedding then have a shot at, ‘Everything a Bloke needs to know about Marriage’. Does that scare you? Read it. Who cares if you’re taken with frills and swarovski crystals or plastic imitations. This is good to honest practical information that isn’t caught up in the glitz and glam. This is also information that extends through the whole, ‘have a wedding’ thing, to the much more significant, ‘have a marriage’. It’s sound and very funny.

Sad to admit, but this time the boys have done it best.

Everything a BLOKE needs to know about MARRIAGE – Peter Downey

Books Wedding

2birds.jpgToday upped the count of the number of weddings I am to attended between now, and my own to five.

That’s right, I know no details, but my (most favourite) cousin Jaclyn has gotten engaged!!! I was extremely excited to hear. As far as I know they’re looking at making it sound late this year.

Congratulations to Jaclyn and Graeme!

So far no clashes, fingers crossed. This is one I attend no matter who else’s gets in the way.

Wedding count:

Geoff’s cousins x2 – Adelaide, Sydney
My cousins x2 – Melbourne, Melbourne
Friends x1 – Melbourne

Relationships Wedding