University without internet access is extremely difficult, or at the very least, entirely unmotivating.
…the speaker/preacher makes a hand motion for the guitarist (or other musical person) to continue playing softly in the background while they pray. If that’s NOT emotional manipulation or the more gentle explanation of mood managing, then why not keep playing through the announcements! Oh the realisation! You can pray without a backing track AND people can actually connect with God without a mood enhancing soundtrack.
I thought Swinburne (my charming university) had totally destroyed it before it began. This morning bought an email letting me know – two days before the official term goes back – that one of my classes had been moved and that the one I originally chose simply now no longer exists.
My timetable up until now has and always has been very carefully orchestrated to maximise work time, homework time, spare time and to minimise days spent traveling. That is, I try and squash my full time load into two days preferably, this time I had it down quite satisfactorily to three.
As things are, my beautifully structured Thursday now has a gaping 3hr gap in the middle (of me stuck at uni) and my Monday has a 1hr lecture scar in my mid afternoon. I was ropeable and so close to writing a cranky email back asking them to pay me for the extra half day’s work that I lose. Class options for the change became: Monday or Monday. Thank you for the endless choice.
In honor of Analise (Boy I hope you see this): Monday Monday Monday, I say damn your mood swings.
This now (best case scenario) means that I go to work on Monday and leave at midday’ish to make my lecture. Go to work Tuesday. Do an online class on Wednesday mornings, now cue ‘homework afternoon’. Go to uni on Thursdays have a 1hr lecture have a three hour gap have a three hour tute. Go to uni on Fridays freaking early and have solid classes for 4 or so hours then I am free for the weekend.
As I don’t live exactly close to uni this is less than desirable. I often wonder if my attitude (which sucks by the way) would change if I lived across the road. Probably not.
Dear Rebecca, in truth you have a sweetly small full-time study load.
Anyway, my day turned happy by me going off and doing something quite different by hanging out with my sister-in-law Anita and her two bridesmaids-to-be for dress shopping. No I am not going to be a bridesmaid and it was still a fairly painful memory to re-engage in, because it was pretty painfully similar to my unsuccessful hunt, but I had a lot of fun. I got along well with Julie and Tash and it was great to finally spend some proper time with Anita.
When you go the VicRoads website to see what you need to take to get you name changed on your drivers license you find a few things.
a) Marriage Certificate*
b) Your license
c) Something like your Medicare card
Well here’s some news for you, a) is wrong. You need to send away for ANOTHER document from the office of births/deaths/marriages.
I spent 40 minutes waiting in the machine-like horrid hole of Vic Roads only to be told I couldn’t get it done with the standard marriage certificate. *Apparently I now see it mentioned on the website but isn’t it nice of them to make it difficult.
I was (and am) really, really pissed off. And by the way, you couldn’t pay me to work at VicRoads – I rather work at Maccas, that might be a cheap shot, but it’s a contemplated one.
On the other hand, I love my semi-local Camera House. Because if I wanted they could get in for me a medium format lomo camera with a glass lens and filters for like $100! I have to think about the whole medium format thing more, but my goodness, they just do customer service right. They’re nice, they’re knowledgeable, they’re helpful, they treat you like you know what you’re talking about and explain anything you don’t, they are actually interested when you ask for strange things. I love them ever so much.