Productive day today. I slept in until 11:40am. I guess I’d normally think half the day was wasted but it was worth the catch up on sleep due to the somewhat shocking time I stayed up, but that was worth it. Got various reading done.
Took Job (the dog) out for a walk. I went the longer way – I think I actually like it better. Spent some of it running – a rare occurence which I actually really enjoy. I haven’t run for a long time. Should do it more often.
I made progress on my ‘Critical Incidents Timeline’. I have yet to write about 5 or so particularly key events that have ‘shaped me’. I don’t think it will be too difficult. I was working quickly and well then memories and stuff bogged me down, it was quite hard to go back over some of it. I haven’t really allowed myself yet to revisit those incidents, not today. It will happen. It probably needs to. A specific time for remembering.
I have a good idea I’ve left lots out. Life is full.
Paid Centrelink a visit. Had a very long wait followed by another very long wait. Then had my annoyance utterly squashed by the most helpful person in that office. I should now have my Youth Allowance back without having to report every two weeks, and I get reimbursed. Wonderful! They should employ more Sharons.
Why has sponsoring a kid come up a few times lately?
I started reading: The Sacred Romance (A God book 🙂 so you know I’m not reading complete crap.) My head wasn’t coping too well and I don’t think that I really took too much in.
A question I have had well before I started it is that,
How appropriate is it to see God as a ‘lover’ or whatever? Even as a friend? How do you keep the honor and glory of God, the just ruler/king/Lord aspect inline/cohabitating with a deeper understanding. Should/can we feel love for God or do we just think it? Difficult to explain.
God help me to I guess grasp/understand a bit more. How does your love and even our love manifest itself? Yes God you, “loved the world that you gave your only son”. I don’t always really ‘get’ it. Oh I like presents and gifts, but thats not how I am best loved/give love.
….(lots of thinkings here)
You gave your son as a gift,
left the Holy Spirit as a ‘comforter’ – timeless, always with us.
Your word as written and spoken when we take the time to listen,
your touch in others and their encouragement
and you served us through Jesus, through our friends, our family
God you are love in all shapes and forms….
Redefine my understanding of love. I don’t have a clue.
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