Where there is no water (abridged)

Re: catching up with Jess. I did do that. I did have the ‘hard conversation’ which I will not be sharing.


The wanderings of a weekend mind. Somehow Monday always manages to draw me back to reality. I have a good life. I have amazing friends. I was today, and am a lot of the time extremely happy.

God does not feel so distant and my morning began with a…’goodmorning’. A though directed in His direction and a thought directed in mine. I don’t know how to explain it or if others even ‘get it’. But I love that.

Deb Hirsch and Age Rowse took over our seperated lot of classes for the day and it was all on Sexuality/Homosexuality. Genereally quite interesting.

There were more of those marriage/type conversations that have been coming up so regularly. Jo, Katie and I caught up for accountability.

It’s interesting how many relationship conversations have come up recently. How I don’t have a list of prerequisites. How I find it difficult to pinpoint ‘my type’ (of guy). I am actually pretty pleased about that.

On tonight, Humphrey and Lois B. came around for dinner. They are ‘grandparent’ aged friends of Mum and Dad’s (also counsellors). For family going through stuff with them about church split.
I did not feel the need to talk, nor want to in that seetting so I closetted myself in my room as usual, and did critical incidents stuff (2 written now). Walked past at one point and they were all around the table talking. Felt minorly guilty. I don’t really regret not discussing it. I simply can’t in a family setting.

Accountability. Talked to Katie/Jo how I was offered the advice to just pick a church and stick with it until God lets me know whether to move on. Katie thought it was a pretty good/sensible idea. So I guess here comes Careforce.

I do like it when I’m challenged. I just hope I have enough wisdom to listen and not stay through obligation if that’s what it comes to. I would like to visit Vineyard one of these days.
God your plans aren’t mine, show me what is good and right.

Psalm 63.

Ephesians 1:3-14

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