This morning I had a driving lesson. Be all overjoyed and happy for me, I should have my P’s by the end of Feb :)….:D
She (Emma) was really nice, I was comfortable driving her car, didn’t make any real stuff ups. But female and young… you expect them to be old and male!
By 1:30 I was in the car with Jane, Dave and Sam. Jane decided to kindly pay us a visit all the way from Geelong (sure she might have had other reasons she was up this way…) We went for lunch at Sophias, surprise surprise. Then took a massive amount of gelati back to Dave’s house and sat around the table eating it and talking.
It was good. We watched some circus something (I didn’t get the name – something to do with circus Olay) which was rather amazing. Talked more.
Jane – if you still read this. I like your directness.
Sam, Jane and I came back to my place for a looksee. Then they left. I had bbq dinner thing and got all annoyed at the parentals for something or other, walked the dog in the half rain with Emily.
Watched 3 episodes of Alias with Laura.
The long and the short of it. It was a good day, a fun day, enjoyable.
Cirque du Soleil maybe?
*points* yes, it was something by them. the sbs series they produced a little bit back…
and i fell asleep to it
(ps. i had a lovely day too bec)