Caught the bus to work. Reinhard (acidoz) got on a bit further down the road so we chatted about uni stuff most of the way. Tonight on msn he said I ‘looked different’ but I as I was too busy he wouldn’t explain why. Talk about frustrating! Why do people keep saying I look different?!
Worked a four hour shift. It was a fairly average kind of day with an annoying customer asking about cookbooks en masse, only published in India and no real idea of which few she actually wanted. Mel (manager) had a chat with me about some work stuff and I finally go my own code for computers. Now just need one for gift-card nonsense.
Highlight of the afternoon was when I was on my break waiting in line to grab something to eat as I underestimated how hungry I’d be. The little girl who was probably about three in the pram infront of me me was yelling heartly – the annoyed kind of yelling (Mother not paying any attention) I looked at her and I suppose smiled. She shutup just like that and gave me this almighty grin.
I took advantage of the card Cotton On left at Dymocks for 30% off and went and had a look. Came out with new grey jacket (anyone who’s been around me long enough knows I’ve worn the same one for about three years now with relative consitency – and yes I do own other clothes, it just matches a lot), a jumper and long-sleeved top. I justified it all in that I was thinking ahead to when Melbourne weather decides to go nasty – that, and most of the warm clothing I own is really not wearable… why do things always have to stretch? get wrecked? or…?
I picked up those jeans Emily and I have been waiting for, so with some odd stationary bits and pieces I got from Big W which I realised I might actually need come Monday my arms were screaming uncomfortable. Two pairs of jeans aren’t so light.
Realised I might have left Sam hanging a bit. So I called her and said I’d let her know when I was nearly there so she could meet me without me having to walk down. I got the train and then the bus which nicely conincided time-wise. Got off the bus at top of my road. Sam and I walked to Morrisons (with her kindly taking a bag off me). Had some ‘afternoon tea’ and talked but didn’t really talk. I had to get home as Jess was picking me up and Sam needed the post office for stamps.
Jess calls me again and says she’s coming ‘right now’. I let mum know I wasn’t going to be around for dinner, which was met with a bit of grumbling. She wouldn’t have cooked any less and I know it well.
So we spent the evening at La Porchetta’s with Deakin CU (Christian Union) people. We are really just ‘taste testing’ what kind of groups there are. Socially I would like something, but if it comes to handing out tracts etc. I refuse to participate as I disagree heartily with that way of doing things. I might get involved in some of their stuff but shall treat thing warily.
Christian worlds are so small. Kaite, I met Lachlan – who apparently knows you (doing Commerce) through St. Hils. Yulande who was sitting opposite me turns out to be a Tassie girl (also Commerce) but a dutch reformed all the same and somehow knows Rebecca VanL. and Jess’s Grandparents- She was really cool, mature, wouldn’t mind getting to know her better. Steph and Shirley (or at least just Steph) know Dave and co. from Crossway and then a girl comes up to me (Heidi) and thinks she knows my face from somewhere. I work out she is going out with Wes Franklin – Wycliffe people who I know and went to primary school with, and her Dad taught at MECS last year. Oh yes, and there was the girl Chris someone who knows Burkie.
Quite funny.
Some great people there. I had an excellent night. It’s like my depletion of social whatevers have exploded over the past three days into everything at once. I’ve been given this break, this room to breathe and some enthusiasm. A reminder to me of God taking care of things, big weight/pressure off me and a smoother transition to changing things than I could’ve hoped for. Why do I always forget?
I am genuinely looking forward to what this year holds. I feel a lot more free at the moment to be Rebecca, who ever she happens to be
Figuring it out is the fun part. Though, I am glad you’re able and happy being yourself
you didnt leave me hanging…