It’s been a very long day. The last ten minutes before I head home (I’m at uni) is at least accompanied by some coffee and the friendly (well warm) atmosphere of the corner cafe. Thus concludes 6 hrs straight of finishing my SIT assignment.
Yes it was painful. Dredging up references was the most time consuming and I’m still probably a few short. It is done however, and I think the tutor will have to live with it because I don’t want to touch it again. At least, or as far as my understanding goes, I have understood what was being asked. Several others I spoke to have partially misinterpreted or totally misconstrue what we’re meant to be on about. I did attempt to set them straight but likewise they are “over it” and shall not be changing things any time soon.
Home and to the refining of the 4 or 5 or so other assignments due tomorrow.
What a long week. But to think, by tomorrow night it’ll all be over! At least until the next round hits.
I’d probably feel sorry for you if I hadn’t received a blog comment from you at about 12:10 last night
hey! I was so doing homework up until about 11pm. I have this thing where I can’t just go straight to bed, don’t really know what kind of unwinding onlining is, but erm… somehow it works.