Lets provide the Lost in Translation contrast shall we…

This (early) afternoon I watched The Notebook. Gag, Gag, Gag, nice in a bit of a way but terrible nevertheless.

I don’t mind the odd romantic story, but that was a little too much. Allie is just plain stupid. Mind you I knew a bit of what I was getting in for as I’ve read Nicholas Spark’s book. That was a horrific experience. But when a friend who doesn’t read gets excited about a book – then you do go and do the favor of reading the thing despite wanting it over asap. Figured I’d eventually have to watch the movie as it was, and I quote, “Better than the book”. Not sure about that either, they were both at about the same low level – and seeing as the local ‘video library’ didn’t have ‘Everything Illuminated‘ (Nor had even heard of it!)- I grabbed it along with the two others.

Best thing about the movie was the 1930’s/40’s fashion. Allie’s character – Rachel McAdams was generally pretty good although I still think it’s a stupid role because of the stupid choices the character makes. Whoever played Noah (I do like that name) was as boring as anything. Perhaps that was the greatest downfall?

If you care to drown yourself in saccharine, I’d highly recommend it.
It was a “nice” movie.

General Movies

Inspired slightly by a thread I came across in gush and the current blogging trend of lists and more lists…

so… “These are a few (*coughlot) of my favourite things” in no particular order:

  • Rain on the tin roof (when you’re in bed)
  • Having my own car
  • Good conversations with good friends
  • Community when it’s working and you’re at the point where you are thoroughly comfortable just being yourself (and so is everyone else)
  • Finding the ‘witty comeback’ at precisely the right moment – or getting on a roll where they just keep on coming 😀
  • Laughing til it hurts
  • Good books
  • Thinking and interesting theories
  • When God makes things superbly relevant ie: verse jumps off the page (that saying I like my Bible quite a bit)
  • Friends knowing your quirks and knowing how to respond to xyz or knowing exactly how you’ll respond before you even do. Having enough of a history with your friends that there is plenty to laugh about/remember together.
  • People who challenge me and pull me up when I could be doing better, the best people in the world are those who can tell you the truth about something not so pretty in your life and still manage to not make you feel worthless and crap
  • Waking up feeling awake (anyone know what I’m talking about?) and because the sun came in the window and not because someone yelled at your or the alarm went off
  • Coffee/Cafes/decent Chai Tea
  • Chocolate Self-saucing pudding and Stickdate pudding
  • Spending time with friends
  • Word Games (especially when I’m winning) – I like winning too!
  • Having a choice made/a descision finalised/completing something well
  • Christmas Eve and reading the Hobbit and listening to Handel’s Messiah
  • Photography
  • Art House movies and movies that have a bit of depth to them alt. comfortable favourites like Little Women
  • Good music (btw. check out Kings of Convenience. Thanks Tom!!!)
  • Interesting blogs
  • That feeling you get when you find exactly the right words when you are writing or that funny euphoria when the words just keep on coming.
  • Long (or short and good), not-to-everyone on the contact list emails
  • Views where all you want to do is look and look
  • Perfectly clear sky and when it’s dark enough to see hundreds of stars
  • My ugg boots
  • Being warm
  • The smell of wet ground and freshly mown grass…
  • Green grass, blue sky, sun and a bit of a breeze and no pressure to do anything
  • The smell of my Grandpa
  • Respect
  • Open fires/watching fire
  • The shape of trees
  • Being right/getting things right
  • Beautiful art/photographs
  • Things that are aesthetically pleasing
  • Red walls (Kat’s house is a good example) err, I just like them.
  • Having something to look forward to
  • Having the courage to set something right or the feeling of having done something you were afraid to do
  • Being able to offer advice and be a genuine help to the person you’re talking to
  • People taking me into their confidence

wow… I could go on and on. I think that’ll do for the moment. Might do the inverse to this list some day – now that would be interesting.

Commenting is a no-brainer on this one! (hint)

  • I like getting comments on my blog

General Life