More ‘daily happenings’ for you to read, but as some of you like that… some time soon I’ll find the time to explore a few things I’ve been thinking about lately.
As a reminder to myself about what these will be:
- Gratitude, not sure how I can forget this one as it keeps appearing all over the place!
- Frustration
- Stuff that came up on the Baxter Kruger evening (maybe)
So. I did somewhat explain half of yesterday. The other end of it was spent in the city with Jas, Paul and Samantha. I had great fun. The others hadn’t had lunch so Paul directed us all to a very cheap (but good! I know because I picked bits off their plates) popular Chinese place in the Port Phillip Arcade. We then went to Word bookstore.
On the way out Jas noticed a sign sitting at the counter,
“Don’t have time to read your bible? Get a verse a day sent to you on your mobile…”
Collective, “Ah no’s!” and as that kind of thing sets me on bordered outrage and I was relatively verbal about how terrible and pathetic it was. It’s something I do on the odd occasion and have to be careful as I’ve been known to mention how the food isn’t that great in the presence of waiters. As Sam put it, “She was only saying what we all were thinking”. Paul had a right old go at me for it later on and did the whole, “I can’t belive you did that!” business. Well, hello Paul – welcome to Rebecca, I sometimes-frequently do speak my mind like that. Interesting how it always happens so dramatically in Christian bookshops? The attitude of the signage was shocking, completely disgraceful. Getting a verse a day is not specifically wrong, but advocating not having time to read the Bible by supplementing it with one verse is hardly a standard anyone should bother to uphold! And the fact that it’s being advertised as such, well!
A brief visit to St. Pauls Cathedral, then I made them come with me to Starbucks because I like it there. Sat and chatted for ages. Very funny all up and very enjoyable. It’s been really good to spend more time in person with Paul if you ask me, seeing as I mostly just know him online and in a ‘meeting’ environment. Sam I always like spending time with! And it was great to see Jas again before he headed back.
We then wandered up to the Old Melbourne Gaol. I was kicking myself I didn’t have my camera with me. Not worth paying to go inside otherwise We didn’t go in, although I would very much like to one day as it’s something I’ve never done.
Paul pointed out an advertisment: Real Life, Real Values, Real Something Else.
And commented on how, “Well, society obviously can’t trust those things to be authentic/true/valid anymore.” Very interesting. I might go back and get a photo next time, if it’s still there. It reminded me a bit of the huge ‘Want Everything‘ advertisement which is also in the city.
Sam and I got the train back.
This morning’s one lecture was for this semester’s elective. WWW and the Internet which I chose back at the start of the year. A change from taking photography subjects but wow am I impressed. After the brief one hour, I’m getting the idea that perhaps I’ll actually learn something new by doing this! Much excitement as my biggest gripe with my course so far has been the ‘lack of’ discovering anything incredibally new. Yes, I did learn a lot about analogue photography last semester, but to be honest it wasn’t the worlds most interesting class – it did have good assignments. This class/lecture/tute etc. looks pretty decent.
It is in a rather massive lecture hall for only 40/50 people. Everyone spread out apart from everyone else doing the loner thing. Justin came in late, so he’s there, as are Joe and Riley. Huw is meant to be in the subject too – so a few familiar faces which was nice! Lecturer seemed organised and had pretty specific objectives. Whoopdedoo! (and I’m not being sarcastic). Good things, good things.
Home before 11:30 due to some immaculate bus timing! Not bad for a ‘day at uni’.
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