I came across this article today: The First 7 Days of Blogging and it reminded me that Tim O has recently started blogging. I’m making a stand on the title already and if I ever have to refer to it by name I’m going to use: The WanGed Blog. Wanordelijke Gedachten
Tim said: WanGed? wow are you calling my blog wanged? WANGED! hehe I’m going to google wang and see what it has to say. From UrbanDictionary.com wanged (def 4) To obliterate a body part; to cause major discomfort to oneself in a slightly humorous manner. Friend #1 that may or may not care what happened to kid that got wanged on pool: “Dude! What happened?” Friend #2 that saw it happen: “Oh he wanged himself good on that pool. But it sure was funny.” I’m happy with this Wanged it is!!! October 21, 2006 Reply
WanGed? wow
are you calling my blog wanged?
I’m going to google wang and see what it has to say.
From UrbanDictionary.com
wanged (def 4)
To obliterate a body part; to cause major discomfort to oneself in a slightly humorous manner.
Friend #1 that may or may not care what happened to kid that got wanged on pool: “Dude! What happened?”
Friend #2 that saw it happen: “Oh he wanged himself good on that pool. But it sure was funny.”
I’m happy with this
Wanged it is!!!