subaltern: subordinate. word of the day. very apt. I watched The Joy Luck Club tonight. I am an Amy Tan fan, having read only one book – not this one. It made me cry. That doesn’t happen very often. The acting wasn’t even very good.
Paul said: Don’t think I could sit through that one. Since when do you cry during chick flicks? November 21, 2006 Reply
Bec said: I don’t think I’d first describe it as a chick flick… it’s maybe a more girlish movie, but a focus on an idealistic romance doesn’t really come into play. The cover on inmd is rather misleading. November 22, 2006 Reply
Bec said: question what makes a chick flick? Is it the simple presence of ‘Romance’ in the genre title? November 22, 2006 Reply
Don’t think I could sit through that one. Since when do you cry during chick flicks?
I don’t think I’d first describe it as a chick flick… it’s maybe a more girlish movie, but a focus on an idealistic romance doesn’t really come into play. The cover on inmd is rather misleading.
what makes a chick flick? Is it the simple presence of ‘Romance’ in the genre title?
Nope… its usually an abundance of women in the cinema seats.