Yesterday I completed the expensive business of getting new lenses put in my glasses. Now I can more safely drive when I don’t happen to be wearing the contacts. It’s a sorry fact that once your eyes start (and they probably were always bad – I blame the genes) that they really only get worse. Mine are down to a shocking -6.0 and -6.5. If I could afford laser treatment I probably would – but who has a spare $4,000 or so lying around?
Published November 23, 2006 by Rebecca Matheson
I really must get my eyes checked. I find that it’s a lot easier to read small print at arms length these days.
If it carries on like this I’ll be sticking paper to the walls so I can go to the other side of the room to read what’s on it.
Hey you don’t know me… but you definitly inspired me to get a blog! Been reading your blog and LOVING IT.
So I thought to get myself one too…
I donno how to make it look pretty though 😐
anyways I’ll be keeping on reading!
Hi Louise!
thanks for the comment!
Just had a look over on at yours. Keep it up. Intriguing.
The hardest bit about blogging is actually starting, if you post often you keep your readers interested – which is the main thing. And your writing can only improve (Although after many a long chats on msn, my spelling took a nose dive possibly never to fully recover).
Try also to not let it take over your life… it’s an easy thing to do. It took me a good bit of time to work out why I blog and what’s okay and what I do and don’t share.
(as for making it look pretty – play around, teach yourself a bit of html and if it’s all a bit frustrating there’s bound to be someone you know that’ll be happy to oblige) I ran with blogspot for well over a year and it’s fairly flexible.
thanks again!
Wow Bec you are massively blind!
thanks paul. any time paul.