Well this is going to be it – the blog theme for the next while.
Header image may chop and change as the one up at the moment is there has ‘temporary’ stamped invisibly across it. There is also the option for three different, two different (or one continuous) header image.
Comments, suggestions?
You now should be properly able to use the search and categories properly, hooray!
Apologies again for the header not being a link, I’ll get on to that (or someone else can show me how) but you’ll notice the handy navigation block at the top left, that will follow you down the page – there’s a link to ‘home’ there.
Please comment on the following headers:
Looks great.
If you want some more practice I’d let you overhaul my blog.
cha ching..i am loving it
Rodney: tempting
not to reflect badly (personally) upon the current design but yeah it could use a little help.
I’d be up for it if that’s more than just a passing comment. I still have a fair bit of time on my hands – the fact that you use blogger is unappealing as blogger beta is near impossible to work with, but if you’ll consider changing to wordpress let me know.
I reckon you should find someone special to get those header images coming up on a rotating basis. They’re all pretty decent. But I like the water-wall one and the scared little girl one the best.
i like the 3rd and 4th ones best, the people in the doorway (whatever it is), and you on the bed. also i think it could look better if it stretched across the 3 columns rather than just the one. and with the 3 columns… i might like better having the blog bit in the middle and the two others on either side.
Geoff by the ‘scared little girl’ one do you mean the first one?
Yes, that’s exactly what I mean.
Text is rather small for my taste, and design strikes me as utterly bizarre, but it looks okay. Pretty good really.

I too find it quite difficult to get used to the double column on the side, but hey I’ll try it for a bit and we’ll see how it goes. What I need is some brain to write me some script that’ll allow for drop out menus so I don’t have acres of archives/categories/links etc. Then I could condense effectively.
(Which Andy is this?)
(Oh, of the gush variety.)
I like the new theme and I like the header you are using now.