Woe is Me

After talking with Henry (my friend’s dad/mechanic) and somehow describing what little mechanical information I took in this morning – okay maybe I described something as, small and white – he has diagnosed my car as potentially having a dud timing belt. Eg. Snap. Finis. No more.

This may turn out quite expensive.

Glum-diddly-um-dum .


  1. said:

    are you sure it may not be the ignition module? I have an 88 corolla, and mine died. I had to push it around a busy round about in peak hour traffic!

    January 24, 2007
  2. said:

    Timing Belts are no biggy. I got mine replaced (in an 89 Corolla Wagon) last time I had it serviced. Only cost about $30.
    The ignition module however……

    January 24, 2007
  3. Timmeh said:


    I don’t know how a timing belt could possibly be small and white. Its a big rubber strap. mhmmm. Ignition modules may be small and white… but there are in fact, a lot of small white things under the bonnet of a car.

    Its one thing getting your timing belt replaced (or an ignition module) its another thing entirely when the timing belt snaps and sends valve-heads smacking into pistons. Usually that makes a lot of loud crunching noises, and may include bits of metal flying around.

    So… i dont know if that helps any… but i guess you’ll know soon enough. Hope it turns out cheaperish!


    January 24, 2007
  4. said:

    Why don’t you just buy a new car? 🙂

    January 24, 2007
  5. said:

    thats some bad luck right there. i know what its like to have car troubles. it sucks. hopefully it wont turn out tooooo expensive for you.

    January 24, 2007
  6. said:

    I can pretty confidently say it’s not the ‘small and white’ ignition module. The RACV guy pulled that out and put in a new one to see if that was the case, if so it would have cost me ~$90. But that wasn’t the issue.

    Nice to see you round here Jonny! Haven’t caught up in any way whatsoever for ages. The potential $30 solve the problem would be fantastic! There was no metal flying around timmo, just a slow chug to a standstill. Henry didn’t seem to concerned when he mentioned that he though it could be the belt.

    As to buying a new car Louise, that’s probably as far from my budget as a budgie is from England. Remember that I don’t officially work at the moment, and when I do it’ll be ‘moving out money’ followed by, ‘replace the camera’ money etc… Fred will have to cope, we’ll just have to hope that the car doesn’t stuff up again any time soon.

    January 24, 2007

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