
blackman.jpgBeen and gone.

Too tired last night to blog about it all. I didn’t even get to my well overloaded RSS reader until about half an hour ago.

Youth Camp.

It flew by. It was hard work. I’d had enough at one point late Saturday it got a bit too much. Retreated to my tent and slept. Organising food is stressful – someone else’s job next time.

God did some good stuff.

We were rained out Saturday morning (not good when you’re camping – especially with a lot of girls). Campsite was roomy but small. Do you like that contrast? It felt safe and I’d use the place again.

The swimming pool was relief.

Had some great chats and quality hanging out with the girls during Sunday.

Glad it’s over. Glad I went. Hope they had fun. Hope they’ll come back. Hope God will continue doing stuff there.

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