A Peaceful Close

olive_by_autumn_rain.jpgAnd so the era of being 20 comes to a peaceful close with an attempted early night.

The homework situation today was curious. It did turn out that I didn’t really need things quite as complete for my Typography assignment – now due after the Easter break, kind of a pain. The one I should’ve perhaps spent a little more time on I managed to throw a few more draft things together and so got checked off, ‘satisfactory’ (Which was the better of two options) and the guy seems to like my work so it’s all dandy.

Thoughts about the word, ‘experience’ as a postmodern thing shall possibly arrive on your screen under my URL – however I have the hard job now of going to bed and turning 21 so if I feel so inclined tomorrow this space will benefit.

So this is me signing out as a 20 year old blogger… corny, kind of but hey – while the scope and excuse for immaturity lasts!

And some pertinent wisdom from my most favourite theologian,

“The future is something which everyone reaches at the rate of sixty minutes an hour, whatever he does, whoever he is.” – C.S Lewis

And a very excited congratulations to a good friend, darn you beat me! You’re bound to hear more about it soon. (Links to follow)
Enough secrecy and rambling, I’m going to bed. Goodnight!


  1. Donal said:

    Congratulations and have a great day

    April 4, 2007
  2. said:

    april the 5th

    April 4, 2007
  3. said:

    Happy 21st. Have a great day and best wishes for a wonderful year ahead.

    April 4, 2007
  4. said:

    Sam you are very very bad 😛

    April 4, 2007
  5. Gillian said:

    Happy Birthday Bec,

    I hope you have a wonderful day!

    April 4, 2007
  6. Jane said:

    Congratulations on your 21st – just remember 15th December is already booked!

    April 4, 2007
  7. said:

    your right, its a bit too soon.


    April 4, 2007
  8. Beth said:

    Happy Birthday!

    Hope you have enjoyed your day 🙂

    April 4, 2007
  9. said:

    Thank you all – wow Gillian, I didn’t even know you read this! I had a fantastic day – possibly the most enjoyable birthday ever – except perhaps for when you’re so worked up because you’re about 6 years old – that anticipation thing is pretty nice!.
    It was a good day.
    And Sam… now I’m 21, it’s all out of my hands.

    April 5, 2007

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