Meat costs a lot

wel055.jpgYesterday evening on the train home I got the idea in my head that I really wanted lasagna. I could’ve gone the stodgy store bought way, but instead I remembered (rightly) that lasagna packets have the recipe on the back. So I made it as they said, leaving out some of the chicken stock and nutmeg.

It was good and satisfying and successful, but it took far too long for an after-work dinner and cost too much (even if I did share with Paul and Geoff). Next time I’ll make mum’s version because it’s just that bit nicer, or Anne’s vego version, or add a bit more cheese sauce – there wasn’t quite enough for my liking.

I’d go vegetarian if it wasn’t for meat lasagna, pasta, roasts, pies, stew, curry…


  1. said:

    It was a good lasagna. And I really think you should try your mum’s version and Anne’s version, just to see which one works out the best. Feel free to use the kitchen any time. 😛

    August 25, 2007
  2. said:

    I’d go vegetarian if it weren’t for chicken, taco salad, and Arby’s roast beef sandwiches. Mmm…

    August 25, 2007
  3. said:

    I am going vego after doing my ethical essay…lets see how long it lasts

    August 25, 2007
  4. said:

    you don’t sound in danger of vegetarianism Bec! You should try the Sanitarium vegie roast – made of an interesting conglomeration of gluten stuff and some sticky minty sauce coating that actually smells pretty good while roasting (much quicker than your average leg of lamb). It tastes reminiscent of chicken, or maybe more like the stuffing. Not bad though! Vegie lasagne can be great, and it is amazing how versatile and flavoursome the humble lentil can be…

    September 6, 2007

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