Eat before you die

terrys-1-hero.jpgIf you’ve never had the experience of eating a Terry’s Chocolate Orange. It is time you do something about that. There’s nothing quite like it. Maybe I have a sentimental tie to them – as it was the first present Geoff gave me, but really, they taste fantastic. I don’t get them very often as they’re fairly expensive, at about $8AUD but when I do I never regret it and you wont either.


  1. said:

    You guys too huh?

    They’re a traditional anniversary treat for Pauline and me. 🙂

    November 20, 2007
  2. Gracie said:

    I heartily agree — they’re scrumptious. If anyone would care to donate to my “eat more chocolate oranges and enjoy life more as a result” fund, you can write to… [insert address here] 😉

    November 21, 2007
  3. said:

    Paul you’re a spoil sport. only weirdos like you don’t like chocolate.

    Nice Rodney 🙂

    Thanks for commenting Gracie!

    November 21, 2007
  4. said:

    Dark choc version is my fave 🙂

    November 25, 2007

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