I should tell it all in pictures. Unfortunately I didn’t have my camera with me for a staff afternoon of hotbox frisbee and tippity cricket, or my cousin’s hens night – and rocking up to a rollerskating rink in 80’s bridesmaid/bride(for her) dresses, and skating with them on – now that was fun. Not exactly me, but it was hilarious and no one broke anything.
Along with all that I’ve also been keeping busy at my cousin’s bridal shower, my friend Mark’s wedding (Beth came in on a Ute!) (photos below and on facebook) and a 12 hour marathon and I’m not exaggerating, of making bridesmaid dresses (photos below).
Better posts to come, as always.
Mark and Beth
Bridesmaid Dress Make-a-thon: 10:30am – 12:30am
2x 95% complete
1x 80% complete
1x 50% complete
Ana and Jess eventually fell asleep and we went so long we even wore Sally out:
i had a good reason for “eventually falling asleep”.
ana, what a flattering photo of you sleeping!
I thought you said you weren’t a really experienced sewer?! I think getting that much done in that period is a mammoth effort!!
I’m still recovering….
wow..it looks like i am playing a game of twister in my sleep :s
But they are the best looking dresses i have seen!
Full credit must go to Elyce – she was the ‘in the know’ person
mind you, she asked my advice a few times so I was pretty chuffed.